
Mornings will be devoted to plenary lectures and afternoons to four parallel topical seminars, plus

one session of contributed talks. 

Tentative schedules are given week by week; please click on the appropriate link below to access to each weekly schedule.

July 13-17

Plenary speakers:  Cantat, Donaldson, Hacon, MᶜKernan, Voisin

Seminar organizers: Boucksom, Eisenbud, Kawamata, Kebekus, Kollár, Voisin 

Themes: analytic methods, birational geometry and classification, commutative algebra and computational algebraic geometry, Hodge theory, singularities and characteristic p methods 

July 20-24 

Plenary speakers: Bridgeland, Gross, Kontsevich, Lurie, Ngô, Okounkov, Pandharipande

Seminar organizers: Bhatt, Huybrechts, Maulik, Nadler, Payne, Werner

Themes:  derived algebraic geometry, derived categories, geometric representation theory, Gromov-Witten and Donaldson-Thomas theories, mirror symmetry, tropical geometry

July 27-31 

Plenary speakers: Esnault, Kisin, Scholze, Zhang

Seminar organizers:  Colliot-Thélène, Kedlaya, Kim, Shin, Poonen, Totaro

Themes:  algebraic cycles, cohomology theories, p-adic Hodge theory, rational points and Diophantine problems, topology of algebraic varieties