Searching for Work

There are now lots of different ways of looking for work, whether this is a paid job or unpaid work experience. 

This can mean that it is sometimes difficult to navigate your way through the job hunting process and you might get a bit lost along the way. 

Opportunities can be divided into those that are advertised and “hidden” vacancies, which might mean that you need to be more proactive in your search to get the job that is right for you. 

Check out some of the methods and links below to see where you can search for work or our quick how-to guide in our handout.

Finding Work final.pdf

Online job boards 

One of the obvious methods to use when starting your job search is using online job boards which advertise vacancies from a range of different companies in different job sectors. Although there are filters in place on these sites, the number of vacancies that you can view can be overwhelming. Also, bear in mind that many of these sites receive huge numbers of applications for one position. So, although they can be a useful starting point, make sure that you use them in a targeted way. Here are some of our top tips:

Targeting company websites

Some companies or organisations may choose not to advertise their vacancies on big job boards. This could be because they're too small to broadly advertise or they are too big, and people will naturally come to them. They rely on their own websites or social media accounts to advertise any vacancies that they have. So, it’s worthwhile keeping an eye out on specific websites and following companies on social media if you would like to get a job or work experience with them.

Check if the employer you're interested in has a jobs page by googling the name of that company and 'careers' or 'jobs'. You can also use social media to see if they have posted about vacancies.

Here are some of the most common sectors (including growth sectors) in Sheffield's labour market (read the full report here)

Some big employers in Sheffield...

Find your own vacancies

In some cases, you may find vacancies by 'walking the pavement'. Smaller businesses may advertise in their windows that they are looking for staff. You may also find that you can find work through walking into a business, asking for the manager and seeing if they are recruiting. Speculative applications can sometimes be successful, although they can be disheartening! Some businesses may ask you to do a trial shift or supply a CV- so take your CV with you and your diary to book any work experience in.

Did you know the college has an employment services agency to support students looking for work while they study? The Employment Services Agency finds vacancies just for Sheffield College students and will support you in finding a role to support you whilst at college.

Click the links to find out more or sign up below!

Making the most of your existing contacts

As well as relying on advertised vacancies think about the contacts you already have who might be able to support you in your search for jobs and work experience. Speak to family and friends to see if they know of anyone who works in the sector or for a company that interests you. Your tutors might also be a good source of information about opportunities for employment or work experience in your area of interest. The people around you are your 'network'- use them!

Could they know someone who could offer you any work experience or a chance to work shadow? Do they know of any upcoming vacancies for part-time work or apprenticeships? 

Give yourself even more opportunities to find work

While you are looking for work, make sure to...