Team Titans Behavior Plan

Team Titans Discipline Plan

KMS has the following guidelines for student success:

Be Respectful – Be Responsible – Be Safe

Based on these, Team Titans has the following plan in place for improving Level 1 behaviors:

1. Verbal Warning

2. Refocus Slip – filled out by the student to recognize behaviors that need better choices. 

  Respectful - disruptive behavior

Responsible - not having all class supplies

Safe - actions that could hurt other

3. Problem Solving Plan – if there are 5 or more of a specific behavior recorded within the month, the student is given a Problem Solving Plan to brainstorm ways to fix the issue. Problem Solving Plans are signed by the student, teacher, and administrator. Parents will be contacted to share concerns.

4. Office Referral – if there are still issues after the Problem Solving Plan, an office referral may be issued. Also, all Level II and III behaviors are automatic office referrals. 

Other Actions: