Tier 1 Practices  |  Response

Response Continuum

Addressing inappropriate behavior in an immediate and calm/respectful manner using a continuum of strategies (proximity, gestures, indirect verbal, direct verbal, private chat/conference) which are consistently and appropriately applied.

AKA: "Redirection," "Conferencing"

Back to Tier 1 practices

An Overall Plan - SEL Classroom Guide

A slideshow with short, teacher-created videos that walk through the what, why, when, and how of this strategy.

[Oliver is having a side conversation] "Jesse and Chelsea, I noticed your voices are quiet and you're listening."

[walking by Elsa's desk] "Elsa, upside down or in your pocket." (in reference to her phone)

In-the-Moment Response Strategies (Mini Poster).pdf

A mini-poster reminder of your menu of options when responding to misbehavior.

Correction Strategies Hierarchy

A handout that walks through your menu of options when  responding to misbehavior (with examples).

Nonverbal Prompts for Behavior Redirection (Mini Poster).pdf

A mini-poster reminder of the nonverbal prompts you can use when responding to misbehavior.

Affirmative Attention (Mini Poster) (1).pdf

A mini-poster reminder of the indirect verbal prompts you can use when responding to misbehavior.

Direct Verbal Prompts for Behavior Redirection (Mini Poster).pdf

A mini-poster reminder of the direct verbal prompts you can use when responding to misbehavior.

Private Chats for Behavior Redirection (Mini Poster).pdf

A mini-poster reminder of how to have a private chat with a student when responding to misbehavior.

"Get Started Strategies" — When a student isn't working, you can point and ask, "Which strategy are you going to use to get started?"

Get Started Strategy Cards - Elementary (for Momentum-Starter Redirects).pdf

Cards designed for elementary students ("Get Started Strategies")

Get Started Strategy Posters (for Momentum-Starter Redirects) - Elementary.pdf

Mini-posters designed for elementary students ("Get Started Strategies")

Get Started Strategy Posters (for Momentum-Starter Redirects).pdf

Mini-posters designed for secondary students ("Get Started Strategies")

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