Tier 1 Practices  |  Prevention

Moments of Connection

Deliberately initiating small interactions where a student feels valued, known, and/or respected. These moments could relate to academic or personal topics (e.g., providing thoughtful feedback on their work, bringing up one of their personal interests during class discussion, etc.)

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Moments of Genuine Connection - SEL Classroom Guide

A slideshow with short, teacher-created videos that walk through the what, why, when, and how of this strategy.

"Aaron, that was a really neat attention getter in your opening paragraph. I never would have thought of that. How'd you get that idea?"

"So Alicia, are you thinking of doing track this spring? Coach was talking about it during lunch yesterday."

5 Minute Chats with Students.pdf

A tip sheet developed by teachers about how to have a check-in chat with a student.

Sources and Further Learning

Framework Alignment

Tier 1 Intervention Upgrades:

2x10 Strategy

Identify an at-risk student in your class. For 10 days in a row, spend at least 2 minutes a day talking with that student about anything they want to talk about. Do this by looking for and seizing natural opportunities during the school day.