Tier 1 Practices  |  Reinforcement


In addition to fostering intrinsic motivation, you can leverage extrinsic motivation by providing students with opportunities to earn developmentally appropriate incentives (e.g., tangible items, access to preferred activities, food, etc.).

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Incentives - SEL Classroom Guide

A slideshow with short, teacher-created videos that walk through the what, why, when, and how of this strategy.

"Wow Trevor, nice job helping Alex with that problem. That was so respectful, and I think you've earned a SKOL Slip!"

"Oliver, I love hearing your voice at a 1 while we're working. Great job. You've earned a PRIDE Ticket for being so respectful."

Incentive Menu Examples

Sources and Further Learning

Tier 1 Intervention Upgrades:

Good Behavior Game

A class-wide intervention that involves a competition between two opposing groups of students. The teacher gives a list of “do not” rules and clear criteria for winning a desirable incentive. The teacher counts every time each team violates one of the rules. The team with the fewest violations wins.

Tier 2 Upgrades:

Check-In/Check-Out (CICO)

Students check-in at the beginning of the day, have teachers rate their behavior on a point card throughout the day, and then check-out at the end of the day. During check-out, points are totaled and the student may earn an incentive.

Some CICO programs use the same "pool" of incentives that the school uses in their school-wide incentive system (e.g., PBIS tickets). Some CICO programs make special incentives available for students in the program (e.g., a weekly basketball game or video game play period that only students in the CICO program can earn). In either case, students participating in the CICO program have more consistent and greater access to incentive opportunities than all students receive.

Tier 3 or Special Education Upgrades:

Individualized Point Sheets