Tier 1 Practices  |  Reinforcement

Family Partnership on Reinforcement

Regularly contacting parents/guardians (e.g., call, email, or text four parents per day) to share positive information about students. This contact should not be reserved for your best behaved students, and you should aim to highlight small improvements, not just “perfect” behavior.

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Family Partnership on Reinforcement - SEL Classroom Guide

A slideshow with short, teacher-created videos that walk through the what, why, when, and how of this strategy.

[text to parent] "Hey, we just had a mock debate and I gotta tell you Eric was such a role model. He kept stepping in and making sure everyone on his team had a chance to speak up. I appreciate him so much!"

Example Script for Calling Families re: Behavior Concerns

Several scripted examples, created by teachers/educators, that demo how to share positives.