Tier 1 Practices  |  Reinforcement

Affirmative Attention

When a student engages in a desired behavior, you “notice” it — responding with attention and affirmation. You can use a variety of strategies to accomplish this that may or may not be considered “praise.”

AKA: "Strategic Noticing," "Behavior Narration," "Labeled Praise," "Behavior-Specific Praise," "Heartfelt Appreciation"

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Behavior Specific Praise - SEL Classroom Guide

A slideshow with short, teacher-created videos that walk through the what, why, when, and how of this strategy.

"Sarah's table is reading quietly."

"Class, I just love it when our voices are at a 0! It's so easy to think right now."

“Oliver, I saw you working on figuring out that problem. How did you keep yourself thinking until you figured it out? That was so cool!”

Affirmative Attention (Mini Poster) (1).pdf

A mini-poster that includes a few examples of phrases you can use to provide affirmative attention.

Affirmative Attention_ Cue and Follow Through (Poster).pdf

A mini-poster reminder to follow through with affirmative attention after we provide students with cues. 🎥 Learn more (2:35).

Affirmative Attention_ Style Profile (Handout).pdf

A reflection worksheet where adults can think about the options they have for giving affirmative attention.

25 Things to Say Instead of Good Job.pdf

A mini-poster with examples of what you can say instead of "Great job!"


A reflection worksheet to help adults plan specific behaviors that they will give affirmative attention to.

Sources and Further Learning

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Framework Alignment


Tier 2 Upgrades:

Check-In/Check-Out (CICO)

Students check-in at the beginning of the day, have teachers rate their behavior on a point card throughout the day, and then check-out at the end of the day. During check-out, points are totaled and the student may earn an incentive.

By scheduling ritual check points throughout the day where the student is guaranteed to receive positive feedback and attention from their teacher, this intervention builds on the Tier 1 affirmative attention/praise that all students should receive.

Tier 3 or Special Education Upgrades:

Effective Praise

Effective praise involves acknowledging in detail the aspects of the behavior that were desirable and the reasons why they are desirable. While more time intensive, it's more meaningful to the student and better promotes internalization. To deliver effective praise:

Boys Town - Effective Praise (Lanyard)