Integrated SEL Instruction

Social Studies, 9-12

This is a bank of activity ideas that embed Social Emotional Learning (SEL) into academic content. These practices can be documented in unit guides, lesson plans, etc. On this page, they are organized under the SEL benchmarks for this grade band.

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K-12.SeA.1: Demonstrates an awareness and understanding of own emotions.

9-12.SeA.1.1: Distinguish emotions one holds from how others expect them to feel.

9-12.SeA.1.2: Describe how external events or internal thoughts can trigger multiple emotions.

9-12.SeA.1.3: Describe how changing their interpretation of an event, for example through self-talk, can change how they feel about it.

9-12.SeA.1.4: Self-reflect to assess whether the intensity of their emotions “fit” a given situation.

9-12.SeA.1.5: Understand that identities and heritage practices shape the way one views, understands and interprets emotions.

K-12.SeA.2: Demonstrates awareness of personal strengths, challenges, aspirations and cultural, linguistic, and community assets.

9-12.SeA.2.1: Evaluate strengths and challenges in relation to achieving goals (personal, academic and social).

9-12.SeA.2.2: Identify things about themselves that they cannot change and devote their energy to something they can change.

9-12.SeA.2.3: Analyze how personal qualities help to contribute to community and family, based on identified interests and strengths.

9-12.SeA.2.4: Examine the ways that one’s actions create unjust imbalances in opportunity, access, participation and success for particular groups of students.

K-12.SeA.3: Demonstrates awareness of personal rights and responsibilities.

9-12.SeA.3.1: Advocate for the rights of self and others.

9-12.SeA.3.2: Describe how taking personal responsibility can lead to success.

9-12.SeA.3.3: Realize the level of control they have over their own lives and act accordingly.

9-12.SeA.3.4: Identify role(s) as a responsible community member.

K-12.SM.1: Demonstrates the skills to manage and express their emotions, thoughts, impulses and stress in effective ways.

9-12.SM.1.1: Practice strategies for recognizing and coping with complex emotions such as rejection, social isolation, and other forms of stress/distress.

9-12.SM.1.2: Incorporate personal management skills on a daily basis, including work/study skills, personal resources, and time management.

9-12.SM.1.3: Evaluate how their behaviors influence the environment and society.

9-12.SM.1.4: Analyze if they are behaving in line with ethical values and adjust accordingly.

9-12.SM.1.5: Develop strategies to overcome roadblocks (perseverance).

K-12.SM.2: Demonstrates the skills to set, monitor, adapt, achieve and evaluate goals.

9-12.SM.2.1: Develop both medium- and longer-term goals – by the end of the school year or in six months.

9-12.SM.2.2: Monitor progress toward medium- and longer- term goals, and make adjustments to plan as needed.

9-12.SM.2.3: Identify action steps that connect current goals with future, long-term goals.

9-12.SM.2.4: Determine the appropriate outside resources that can help with responding to a personal, school, or civic need.

9-12.SM.2.5: Analyze and implement feedback from multiple sources (peers, teachers, family).

K-12.SoA.1: Demonstrates awareness of and empathy for individuals, their emotions, experiences and perspectives through a cross-cultural lens.

9-12.SoA.1.1: Express understanding of those who hold different opinions.

9-12.SoA.1.2: Ask questions of others to deepen understanding of the perspective of others.

9-12.SoA.1.3: Compare multiple perspectives on an issue.

9-12.SoA.1.4: Demonstrate empathy for others by identifying a specific human or social need in your school or community and acting on it alone or with others.

9-12.SoA.1.5: Differentiate between the factual and emotional content of what a person says.

K-12.SoA.2: Demonstrates awareness and respect of groups and their cultures, languages, identities, traditions, values and histories.

9-12.SoA.2.1: Demonstrate respect for individuals from different social and cultural groups.

9-12.SoA.2.2: Demonstrate understanding of apparent and not apparent community/cultural practices, customs and ways of making meaning that impact communities differently.

9-12.SoA.2.3: Demonstrate an understanding of how stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination affect the design of institutions and social structures.

9-12.SoA.2.4: Evaluate strategies for recognizing and opposing stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination among individuals, institutions and social structures.

K-12.SoA.3: Demonstrates awareness of how individuals and groups cooperate toward achieving common goals and ideals.

9-12.SoA.3.1: Work collaboratively with peers to analyze and address a shared social cause.

9-12.SoA.3.2: Analyze the impact of their involvement in an activity to improve their school or community.

9-12.SoA.3.3: Compare and contrast the role of government versus social movements and versus social institutions, such as religious, cultural and civic groups, in defining and addressing the common good.

K-12.SoA.4: Demonstrates awareness of external supports and when supports are needed.

9-12.SoA.4.1: Seek out peer and adult role models who will help students achieve goals.

9-12.SoA.4.2: Access family, peer, school, and community resources when support is needed.

9-12.SoA.4.3: Develop systems of support that contribute to school and personal success.

K-12.RS.1: Demonstrates a range of communication and social skills to interact effectively.

9-12.RS.1.1: Create positive group dynamics to move group efforts forward.

9-12.RS.1.2: Apply non-verbal skills to create productive outcomes during positive and negative interactions.

9-12.RS.1.3: Demonstrate ability to adapt to a variety of contexts, audiences, tasks and feedback from self and others.

9-12.RS.1.4: Use assertive communication to get needs met without negatively impacting others.

K-12.RS.2: Cultivates constructive relationships with others.

9-12.RS.2.1: Demonstrate ability to develop romantic and non-romantic relationships with peers that are effective, supportive, and can be stable over time.

9-12.RS.2.2: Identify the qualities and benefits of someone who is or might be a mentor.

9-12.RS.2.3: Demonstrate capacity to provide leadership roles in cooperative learning.

K-12.RS.3: Identifies and demonstrates approaches to addressing interpersonal conflict.

9-12.RS.3.1: Evaluate and reflect on their role in a conflict and use this information to inform their behavior in the future.

9-12.RS.3.2: Demonstrate an ability to co-exist civilly in the face of unresolved conflict.

9-12.RS.3.3: Access conflict resolution resources.

9-12.RS.3.4: Describe and apply negotiation skills.

K-12.RDM.1: Considers ethical standards, social and community norms and safety concerns in making decisions.

9-12.RDM.1.1: Demonstrate ability to consider personal responsibility, social norms, safety concerns and ethical standards in making decisions.

9-12.RDM.1.2: Assess lessons learned from past experiences and mistakes when making decisions.

K-12.RDM.2: Applies and evaluates decision-making skills to engage in a variety of situations.

9-12.RDM.2.1: Regularly demonstrate use of systematic decision-making, by identifying a decision, gathering information, and assessing alternative resolutions.

9-12.RDM.2.2: Identify and ask systematic questions that clarify various points of view and lead to the best solution.

9-12.RDM.2.3: Analyze and evaluate evidence, arguments, claims, and beliefs to inform effective decisions.

9-12.RDM.2.4: Analyze how their present decision-making affects college and career choices.