Week #2 - Journal


Tell us about your assignment's idea for this week. Why do you care about this idea? What inspired you? (Please include images or links to sources of inspiration)


original sketch 

for this week the assignment was to design and fabricate a mixed material cool sunglasses to be fastened together with screws after fabricating. 

the assignment holds a challenge since it will be the first time to use mixed material in fabrication and the design requirements  the goes in finalizing the design in a way for all the parts to fit together perfectly 

the inspiration comes from the minds on hands on activity we had on week 2 session. 

i imagined a glasses that would fit spongebob's cartoon character and in the same time be a good conversation starter in a party. for fun and comic purposes i thought it would be fun to write egyptian slang anecdote that one could find written on buses on the street  

the glasses will both be suitable to be worn comfortably in both design and dimensions and will in the same time have the comic  features of  unrealistic shapes and dimensions of the glasses eye windows and ear piece design. 

original sketch made at the minds on hans on using sketchup app 

Tool Chain

Which software/machines/materials did you use in the assignment? Why?

below are the tools i have learned to use in the first week of the maker diploma. utilizing these tools i was able to finalize this week's assignment

Ultimaker Cura

Prusa i3 MK2

laser work

morn laser machine

digital caliper

as for the materials i used PLA plastic filament,  3 mm MDF board, black pray paint and yellow painters tape.

PLA  filament 

3mm plywood  board

black spray paint

yellow painters tape

Design Process for THE GLASSES

Explain the design and/or preparation process of your assignment. How did you use the tool or software to design and/or prepare your assignment before fabrication/implementation?


i started taking measurement of my sunglasses using calipers:  


for the design process of the glasses i started with fusion 360: 

1- start to make the sketch of the glass face and make it into a defined sketch. (model 1 side into a defined sketch and mirror it . 

2 - the inclined rectangles were drawn with the 3 point rectangle tool and the the rotation and origin was set by degrees and center point dimensions 

sketch was extruded at 3 mm to match properly with the upcoming 3d printing parts of the ear pieces

fully defined glass face sketch for laser cutting

3- for the connection between the face and arms i started by drawing a sketch of the tab and slot i designed on the face of the glasses and used this sketch to extrude the base of the glasses ear pieces. i used extrude offset plane with the different sketch faces to extrude the base and cut the screw holes both in the base of the arm and in the glass face it self (no assembly were used) 

screw and tab and slot design sketch used to extrude the base of the ear piece

4- a combination of both screws and a tab & slot technique were used to both attach the 2 pieces together and  lock there positioning  place.

sketch used to design the connection between the earpiece and the front face of the glasses that will serve as a fixation and position locking feature.

attachment detail 

side elevation of the attachment technique 

5- for the ear pieces arms i started with a sketch of the lines that will later guide the sweep feature to form the body of the glasses and made sure it was fully defined sketch. 

6-also to make sure the dimensions will fit a human head i sketched a circle to represent the ear and the curve of the ear piece is an offset of it. 

sketch of the ear piece and the ear curve showing the circle representing the human ear 

7- a sweep feature was used to form the body of the ear piece and fillets were added to sharp edges to make the part more dynamic and easy on the human skin 

8- a copy of the part component was made and mirrored along the same axe 

screen shot of the sweep function

full view of the singular part of the arms 

full view of the singular part of the arms 

9- since the base of the sweep feature interfered with the screw placement and an extra extrusion was made to hold a  captive nut system to capture the fastening nut of the screw and for the design to remain it's beauty with out any visible fastners 

this sketch was used to cut the nut hole into the extra extrusion on the base of the ear piece for the cabtive nut system

the extrude cut feature used for the captive nut system

shows the tab and slot and how the fron of the glass would lock into the ear part

shows the tab and slot and how the fron of the glass would lock into the ear part

shows the captive nut system

the complete and assymbled design of the glasses 

3d front view

Front View

Side View

Top view

3d back view

Design/Preparation Process for the 3d printing assignment

Explain the design and/or preparation process of your assignment. How did you use the tool or software to design and/or prepare your assignment before fabrication/implementation?

laser cutting preparation

view of the part in laser works

after the preparation of the file in laser works  i set up the parameters as follows: 

all the steps required to start the laser cutting job was covered in the Week#1 journey 

3d printing preparations preparation

a preview of the 3d printed part in cura

after inporting the stl to cura it was not in the right orientation for bes printing quality so i had to rotate it 90 degrees and lay it flat . 

eventually i sliced and exported the Gcode using the following parameters: 

all the steps required to start the print was covered in the Week#1 journey 

Development/Implementation Process

Explain the development/implementation process of your assignment. How did you use the machine/tool to manufacture or implement the design of your assignment?

laser cutting fabrication

picture of the final laser cut part

3d printing fabrication

part after removing supports

picture shows the fixation

the final fabricated part

final product after post processing

Overcoming Challenges

What kinds of challenges or problems did you face while doing the assignment, tutorials, or exercises?  How did you solve them? Did you ask for help from an instructor or peer? Please provide a link to the tutorial or article that you used to solve your problem (if any)

a preview of the 3d printed part in cura

in this assignment i faced many challenges in 3d printing: 

1- choosing the right settings to print the support for the part to have the best final outcome and quality . with guidance from the lab specialist i found out about the ( enable support interface ) setting which makes for cleanest and easiest support removal process 

2-  i was having trouble with the lay flat command in cura and upon guidance from my instructor i  downloaded an earlier version of the app and it worked perfectly 

3 - choosing the best  orientation to print the part was tricky since it is a dynamic part with minimal flat surface area eventually i found out the the best way to print it is like in the shown picture

low connection area with buildplate

too much support- poor final quality

Final Project

How can you use the skills and knowledge that you've acquired this week in your final project?

in my opinion laser cutting with various materials will help in the housing (construction components of my project  and all flat fabricated materials and parts. 

and 3d printing will help in the custom parts and mechanizems in my project and parts with bends and/or ergonomic shapes.


What is the coolest thing that you've learned this week? What is something that you will never forget from this week?

this week was my first time to design a part for 3d printing and It was modeled after the robot bender from futurama cartoon series

Futurama- bender 

final fusion 360 model before import to cura

Weekly Digest

Tell us about any other cool things that you've made this week: in the Hands-on activity, tutorial examples, exercises, or any other cool mini-project that you tried out aside from the assignment.

Week Wrap Up In Pictures

our robot book mark 

Assignment Design Files