Final Project Journal


dicumantion final project mood 😄😄 

Project Ideation

1- Tell us about the idea of your project. Why do you care about this? What were you inspired by? Include images and videos of similar projects

about idea

Pinball games are a family of games in which a ball is propelled into a specially designed table where it bounces off various obstacles.

To play pinball, start by pulling the plunger at the front of the machine to release the ball. Then, use the flippers to hit the ball by pressing the buttons on jac. Try to aim the ball toward the two arcs throughout the machine, which will bounce the ball and earn you points. 

I care about kids game and I want to help people and kids with ADHD , binball game can help people with ADHD to spend their energy playing

Project Construction

2- Explain the CAD process of your project. How did you use the software to design your project? (List the softwares/tools/materials...etc that you used)


fusion 360 : for design 

thinkercad : simulate the circuit

Illustrator : for drawing jac and game name

arduino id : write the code

cura : to connect to 3d printer

rdwork : to connect to laser cut machine








bread board


servo motor

ir sensor


adabtor 9 v

adabtor 12 v

dc motor

push buton


neo pixels


explain cad process

for preparing box design on fusion :

make new component

create sketch

choose plane 

-start to draw every part

bottom part draw rectangle 48 *29 cm and make tabs and hole for screws 

front part draw a rectangle 7 * 29 cm and made tabs and Tslot to connect to other part

side part draw two line one is 7 cm and other 14 cm then connect line bteween them to make diagonal line

back part draw a rectangle 14 * 29 cm then use elipse to make a curve

top part make a rectangle 47.5 * 27.5 and make hole for connect it by bracit

this side is on top for ball 

Tslot dieamension

start to get components from grapcad such as arduino and lcd to make location for screws

-some feature I used


extrude make every part extrude 3 mm

joint to make assembly 

save file to dxf

-parts in joint

for 3d printing part

bracit design

using bracit  to connet top with front and side

finger for playing design

-some feature I used



                save as mesh

final design

3- Explain the fabrication process of your project. How did you use the machine to fabricate your project? (List the softwares/tools/materials...etc that you used)

laser cut machine

for prepre the file for laser cut machine ( laserwork)

             ( cut : speed : 25 , power : 65 )

             ( scan : speed : 250 , power 25 )

start to import part

choose all parts

make cutting part with black color and scan with red color

adjust the speed and power

3d printer

for prepre the file for 3d printer ( cura)

       ( profile : .2  infill : 10 )

first file

second file

third file

فن اختيار الوان الماتريال 😍😂 

Project Electronics & Power Management 

4- Describe your electronic circuit. What are the input and action components? What is the function of each? How do the components integrate together to form your smart system? (List the softwares/tools/components...etc that you used)

5- What is your power source? How did you select the suitable power source for your project? (List the softwares/tools/components...etc that you used)

all components take the power from Arduino, except dc motor need a 9v and common ground with Arduino and servo motor take the power by regulator with adabtor 

selonied need a 9v and common ground with Arduino

Arduino take its power from an adaptor 9v by pin vin

Project Programming

6- Describe the code of your project. How did you program each function of the project?  

-flow chart


start to define neopixels library , servo motors , buttons

define sensors , dc motor and its speed , buzzer

define that lcd , neopixels , dc motor , servomotors, buzzer are output

and all buttons and sensors are input

say that when the two buttons are low two servo motors work as 180

say that when two sensors pick any thing the lcd and neo pixels work

Project Integration & Testing 

7- Demonstrate with text and visuals how did you integrate the project’s modules together? What are the testing results? (Include a Demo video separately, showing a proof of functionality)

first testing components

then circuit

use arduino and connect ground and power to bread board

use power supply 9v and connect it with regulator 

then connect two servo motor pin 9 &10 and connect vcc to vcc of adabtor with regulator and  connect ground to ground of arduino

then connect two sensor to pin 2 & 3 and to ground and vcc of arduino

then connect LCD to pin A5 & A4 and connect ground and vcc to ground and vcc of arduino

then connect neo pixels to pin6 and the ground and vcc to ground and vcc of arduino

connect dc motor with driver connect ground to ground of arduino and negtive of adabtor , connect vcc to 5v or ardunio and 9v of adabtor

final circuit

finally integrate the project

start to connect bracit with back and front side 

but the components under top part

start to put obctacles and servo motors on the top


Sharing & Collaboration 

8- Did you ask for feedback? What are the ideas that others have contributed or suggested? What was someone else’s idea that you built upon? How did you help your peers? How did your peers help you?

I have a nice feedback from some students in diploma they love the chice of 3d printing parts color

specially ahmed mukhtar helped me more than once in coding and circuits 

and mariam she took my shout every time i have a proplem😂😂 

my friend mariam helped me when Iask about smthing in code (how to use or)

my lovely and fav team

Overcoming Challenges 

9- When you got stuck, what/who did you turn to? At what point did you have to pause to research or learn more before moving on? What are some mistakes, pitfalls, or challenges that others can avoid if they were doing this project?

I have more than issues

first I have error in the code that I define the two sensor value as one value and I couldn't understand where is the problem so I asked my instructor Asmaa so she helped me and explain the problem

second I have an issue with selonied that it was overheated that cause a problem with inner plastic part , so I couldn't use it  

I have a problem with sensor that is pick someting make it always work and i didn't know how to solve it

Future Work

10- If you had more time, what is one thing you would change/ Do next in your project?

if I have a time I wish I could made this game as an arcade game

 Final Project Design Files