Peer Tutoring 

Peer Tutoring will resume on 1/16/24

Peer Tutoring In The Media Center

Peer Tutoring will resume on 1/16/24

Peer Tutors will be available in person in the Media Center before school, during lunch, and after school as scheduled below.  The is no appointment necessary.  The tutoring tables have signs.  They are near room MC115.  Just sign into the T&T room and ask for help

Media Center Peer Tutoring Schedule

Individual Peer Tutoring

Peer Tutoring will resume on 1/16/24

Complete and submit the Peer Tutoring Request Form if you would like to schedule an individual tutoring session with a student tutor.  You must be signed into your student google account to have access to the form.  Once you submit the form, a tutor will be selected and you will be contacted via email.  It may take a few days to process the request, so plan ahead if possible.  Be sure to check your emails after you submit a request!


If you would like to make a donation to the Spring Valley Education Foundation to help fund the tutoring program click the SVEF logo

Peer Homework Help - Virtual - Discontinued