Counseling Resources for Students

From here, you can enter the Social Emotional Learning rooms, or watch any of the videos and activities below

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Watch the video to see what makes kids happy.

You will find that some of the situations that make these kids happy make you happy too!

Does this song make you feel happy?

What are some things that friends or family do that make you feel happy?

Activity: Get a piece of paper, pencil and drawing supplies. First, make a list of as many things that you can think of that make you happy. It can be things that other people do that make you happy or things that you can do that make you happy. Ask yourself, "What is it about this that makes me happy?". The next time you are feeling lonely or sad look at this list and choose something from the list to do! It might be talk to your parents, sister or brother or a friend. You might enjoy reading a book or listening to a great song. After you have completed your list of things that make you happy, draw a picture that illustrates one of the things that you wrote on your list. Put this paper in a place where you will see it every day. Remember, you CAN make yourself happy and even turn a day that is not going well around by making the choice to do something fun and exciting!!

Learn What a Worry Warrior Is!

So, What is Worry?

What are Some Common Ways Your Body Reacts to Worry?

Learn to Focus on What You Can Control!

Calming Activity

Take a few minutes every day to relax. The video shows some great exercises for practicing being calm and peaceful! Enjoy!!

Enjoy this Class Dojo series about Perseverence! Each episode reminds you that learning new things often comes with challenges. Remember the 'Power of Yet!! I have not

Remember the 'Power of Yet!!'I have not figured this out Yet! I will keep trying. I will not give up!

When you keep trying and overcome obstacles that make trying something new hard, you develop perseverence! You develop the mindset of not giving up. Try something new today that you have been putting off. Have a 'Growth Mindset! I KNOW you can do it!!!!

You are courage!

Activity: What Does Courage Look Like?

Materials: Drawing paper, crayons/colored pencils/markers

Draw a picture of courage in action.

Title your picture by completing the sentence

"Courage is...."



Read the above book with your family!

Answer this question:

How have you shown courage?