Radical Rockets

Overview- Rockets. Rockets are one of the most intricate forms of transportation known to man. Rockets are very powerful and they are designed to deliver Astronauts to space for research purposes. Rockets are also used to send rovers to space also for research purposes.

Technology- Rockets are truly incredible, they can lift 4.4 million pounds! Rockets also possess the ability to store 4 totally different computer units. Rockets even include an area designed to hold certain technological equipment such as hardware and space suits. Also there are a total of 3 whole engines on a space rocket alone, the amount may vary based on the purpose of the rocket (whether it’s for a rover or an astronaut team).

Satellites- There is a type of space rocket that is very unique, it does not transport tech, man, or anything else- but it rather specializes in communication. This rocket is known as a seatilite, and the reason that it’s categorized as a rocket is because it sends something- signals. This rocket has the power to provide internet connections, live-feed images and so much more. These rockets are very common, they impact our everyday lives, weather that be calling someone or even watching a weather report on the news- we will always utilize satellites.

Ion Rocket- The Ion rocket is another variant of space rockets, however this time it does not communicate or carry, it’s purpose is to propel. This rocket is a booster for other rockets that carry astronauts for example. This rocket is very powerful and relies on electricity to function. Due to the Ion rockets boosting function it is classified as a thruster, it is also classified as a thruster due to its main feature- boosting rockets. (Image and Essay Credit: nasa.gov)

  • Rocket boosters are collected and reused for different rockets

  • Some boosters produce around 6.6 million pounds of pressure

  • The world's largest solid rocket. At 149 feet high and 12 feet wide, it was one-half the length of a football field. (Image and Facts Credit: nasa.gov)

Activity- (image credit: lemon time adventures)

  1. Collect gumdrops, marshmallows, or any type of candy, and toothpicks.

  2. Construct a rocket shape by connecting the toothpicks with the gumdrops.

  3. Drop your completed rocket from a different height five separate times and record the heights of each run in which your rocket did not break.

  4. Record the height in which your rocket broke and compare it to your previous heights to see how durable your rocket is.

Activity (Digital)- Rocket Launch Simulation.

  1. https://www.sciencelearn.org.nz/embeds/132-rocket-launch-challenge (credit: www.sciencelearn.org.nz)

Credit: nasa.gov, https://lemonlimeadventures.com/ and www.sciencelearn.org.

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