
QAS Stories that Build A Culture of Sustainability

Year 9 student, Ilyas Ahmed from Sherbourne Academy in Doha, Qatar shares his family experiences in Somaliland and his new findings about the global water crisis. In this episode, Ahmed dives into UN Sustainable Goal (SDG)#6 - Clean Water & Sanitation, SDG#9 - Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure, SDG#12 - Responsible Consumption & Production.

In this episode we explore a fantastic way to expose our youngest learners to the concepts of biodiversity, systems thinking and behavior change over time. Early Years Librarian, Ms. HUDA, makes birdfeeders from orange peels with 4 year old children. Then they all observe the increase of bird life to their environment and return often to refill the bird seeds. The things they observe, discuss and wonder set the stage for future change makers in a sustainable world.

Exploring the glocalized challenge caused by COVID19, three G9 students from QAS share their inspiration and reflections about Impact Documentaries they created for their Language and Literature class. Teacher Melissa Kandido frontloaded this unit by using Impact films published by QFI/SIMA and Global Oneness. From this episode you will be inspired to watch these student created documentaries that explore the trials, tribulations and resiliency demanded of humanity during these difficult times.

Exploring glocal challenges, 3 grade 9 students at QAS share the learning journey and outcome from their impact documentary project assigned in their language and literature class. Teacher Melissa Kandido frontloaded this unit by using Impact films published by QFI/SIMA and Global Oneness.

In this episode, early years teacher, Ms. Amy Brett, shares how students in her class are encouraged to thinking about water and paper as finite resources. Developing systems thinking in a 4 year old is possible and necessary to save our planet.

In this episode Ms. Hadeel, QAS G1-5 Qatar History and Islamic Teacher, takes a deep dive connecting the UN SDG's with Muslim lifestyle and religious teachings in her PYP4 lessons. From this segment you will gain insight about how religion can be used as a vehicle to encourage systems thinking that aligns with UN SDG #2 - No Hunger and SDG#3 - Good Health & Well-Being

In this episode Ms. Neema and Ms. Jaseena, QAS Teachers and Sustainability Club Leaders, share how the new aeroponic garden tower has been received and how QAS secondary students and teachers use it as provocation for many learning opportunities. From this segment you will gain insight on the glocal issues that align with UN SDG#9 - Industry Innovation & Infrastructure and SDG#12 Responsible Consumption & Production.

In this episode, Ms. Hodan, learning support at QAS, gives students in Qatar a global view of the water scarcity issues in Somalia and then she highlights local water consumption challenges in Qatar. From this segment you will gain insight on glocal issues of water scarcity that are highlighted in UN SDG#6 - Clean Water & Sanitation, SDG#9 - Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure and SDG#12 - Responsible Consumption & Production.