Navigate your unique learning style needs by taking advantage of online and in-person resources!

Reach out to PAFA's Student Support Coordinator: healthandwellness@pafa.edu if you're not sure what kinds of resources will be best for you. 

Where is the class schedule grid? School Schedule? Student Portal? Check out PAFA's Student Life website- Registrar section

Meet with Writing Advisors (online)

Note: Although in the past tutors have been designated for either Undergrad OR Grad student support, both tutors are available for any student, though Justin can provide support for students for whom English is their second language.

Meet with PAFA's Student Support Coordinator

Important! Before reaching out to PAFA's Student Support Coordinator for guidance, have you contacted your faculty directly to consult about your concerns in your courses? This is your first step: direct communication. Your faculty are looking forward to hearing from you!

Still needing tools for support? 

Reach out to PAFA's Student Support Coordinator: healthandwellness@pafa.edu