Schedule Resources

A Schedule of Schedule Ideas recording.pdf

There are so many schedules to choose from but what schedule do I pick? What is right for my child? What works for my family? Not sure? Check out the brief, narrated presentation that gives you ideas and gives you permission to be flexible.

Billy's Remote Learning Profile is a sample of how IEP goals, learning activities, materials needed, directions and data collection can be shared between teacher and parent in an easy to read and understandable format. The teacher and parent can set the schedule to determine the length of time needed by the student to complete. All can be adaptable.

Billy's Remote Learning Profile.pdf

My New School Day is a sample social story to help students adjust to a new schedule for at home learning.

Social Story School at Home.pptx

Here are general tips for working with your child at home focused on verbals, timing and reinforcement.

Tips For Working With Your Child at Home.docx

Easter Seals Illinois Autism Partnership has provided a comprehensive packet that includes sample schedules, token boards, and more.

School Closure Toolkit.pdf