Nutrition Breaks

Kindergarten students have 3 opportunities to eat at school:

Healthy food will give your child the energy they need to be ready to learn all day. Consider your child's eating habits on an active, busy day. We suggest a formula of protein + veggie + fruit + carb. 

The goal is that your child will be managing their lunch bag and lunch containers independently. Please send containers that are easy to open and close. No glass containers, please! 

No nuts at school, please. If there are other allergy concerns in your child's class, we will reach out to let you know. 

Our educator teams strongly encourage you to label all of your child's belongings. We often see multiple children with the same items, and young children do not always recognize their own belongings. 

'Mabel's Labels,'  'Stuck on You,' and 'Oliver's Labels' offer sets of machine-washable, personalized labels. Labels help everyone! 

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