Grade Scale & Meaning

GRADING SCALE: Every teacher in the Nelsonville-York City School District uses the same method to average grades. Where at all possible, examinations and quizzes are weighed so that the class will fall into groups as follows:

A 4.00 3.84 - 4.00 93% - 100%

A- 3.67 3.50 – 3.83 90% - 92%

B+ 3.33 3.17 – 3.49 87% - 89%

B 3.00 2.84 – 3.16 83% - 86%

B- 2.67 2.50 – 2.83 80% - 82%

C+ 2.33 2.17 – 2.49 77% - 79%

C 2.00 1.84 - 2.16 73% - 76%

C- 1.67 1.50 – 1.83 70% - 72%

D+ 1.33 1.17 – 1.49 67% - 69%

D 1.00 0.67 – 1.16. 60% - 66%

F 0.00 0.00 – 0.66 0% - 59%

A=4.00 B=3.0 C=2.0 D=1.0 F=0.0

NO CREDIT given to a student who makes an “F” in the LAST 9 WEEKS GRADING PERIOD IN ANY SUBJECT.


A represents outstanding distinction and excellence. 90-100%

- These are not impossible to achieve but are rare and difficult to come by.

B signifies levels of solid accomplishment and goodness. 80- 89%

- Good is more common than excellent but more rare than average. While there is merit to hard work and long hours, it does not always guarantee success. Goodness refers to the combined results not just the effort.

C signifies "average- simple, common, adequate but ordinary 70-79%

- Average is not usually an appealing rank to artists who strive for extraordinary and unique. C is however a very respectable point. Recognize what more is needed; plan to move ahead, improve and grow.

D represents results less than standard and/or mediocre- just passable 60-69%

- Perhaps priorities about school or life have not been established. Recognize however, that a D can also mean that you truly do not understand what is expected. You should discuss how you might take action on your future and upcoming assignment problems.

F is a clear failure. < 59%

-It represents lack of effort/interest. It is a cause for deep concern.