North Reading Public Schools

Reopening Plan

2020-21 School Year

Letter from Superintendent Daly

Dear North Reading School Community,

I hope that you are all doing well and enjoying your summer spending much needed time with family and friends. As you know from my previous communications our reopening team has been meeting since June and has representatives from all of the stakeholders in our school community: parents, teachers, administrators, town officials and community leaders, paraprofessionals, SEPAC leaders, administrative assistants, custodians, food service, a school nurse and physician, and our local fire, police, and the Board of Health.

On July 30, 2020 the North Reading School Committee approved with a 3-2 vote the district’s preliminary reopening model that we have submitted to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) for approval. The feedback received from the DESE along with the feedback from parents, students, and staff during through surveys and forums held that week were incorporated into our final reopening plan that was presented to the School Committee on Friday, August 7th at 8 a.m., approved with a vote of 5-0. The plan will be submitted to DESE, and also shared with all in the North Reading Public School’s Community on or around August 14th.

It is important to note that additional details pertaining to reopening will need to be collectively bargained with the unions in our district, all of whom have been involved in our reopening working group from the outset.

Our plan includes the district’s plan for three models: in-person, remote, and a hybrid model that allows for both in-person and remote learning. This full reopening plan details all of the information for all three models with a focus on the model we have submitted for reopening, the hybrid model.

We believe that we have developed a hybrid model that allows as many students as possible to attend school in-person in a safe and supportive environment for as many days as possible. It is our goal to bring as many students back to school five days a week as possible and as specific health and safety thresholds are achieved. At this time we believe that all students in Pre-K, Kindergarten (both full- and half-day) as well as students who are homeless, in foster care, receiving English Language Learner services, or participating in specialized learning programs for students with disabilities will attend in-person five days per week. Other students will attend 2-3 days per week in person (alternating each week) while engaging in full school days remotely on the remaining days. A fourth cohort will have the opportunity to choose to remain in full remote learning every week as well.

Above all, I thank you all for your patience and support in these challenging times. There is no one solution that will please everyone but there is a commitment by all involved to develop the best possible plan for our students. I am so grateful for the support of our incredible administrative council, school committee, and the reopening group for their tireless efforts and commitment to the children of North Reading.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns 978-664-9557 or

Sincerely yours,

Patrick C. Daly, Ed. D.


Reopening Plan

August 14, 2020

North Reading Reopening Plan

Frequently Asked Questions

Reopening FAQs


Preliminary Reopening Plan: July 31, 2020

Family Communication: Preliminary School Reopening Plan Summary