PA Trout in the Classroom

This year, along with Mrs. Goul's classroom, we will be participating in Pennsylvania Trout In the Classroom (TIC), which is a program in where students learn about cold-water conservation while raising trout from eggs to fingerlings in a classroom aquarium.

Pennsylvania's statewide TIC program is made possible through

a unique partnership between Pennsylvania Council of Trout Unlimited (PATU)

and the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC).

We would also like to specially thank Mr. Hatala and our PTA for its continued support in the classroom

and helping to make this years TIC program a reality for our students.

PA Trout in the Classroom Website:

January 11, 2023: Our Rainbow Trout eggs have arrived. We have 173 viable eggs!

PA Fish and Boat

Commission Website:

Brook Trout Timelines:

October: Our Brook Trout eggs in the fall.

November: Our eggs have HATCHED!! We now have sac-fries beginning to settle on the bottom in the redd.

December: Our sac-fries are growing and will be absorbing their yolk sacs and will then begin to swim around, looking for food.

January & February: Our fingerling trout are growing very well and feeding nicely. We can't wait for their release in Spring!