Welcome to 

Mrs. Marcinek's Room

Welcome to Fourth Grade!

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Welcome to fourth grade! I use this page to keep 4-10 up to date with homeroom specific information! 


Subject specific information along with helpful links can be found on our Team Piranha webpage under the corresponding subject. 


Families, please keep in mind that the transition to fourth grade is a huge leap for many children, and it may take some time for your child to feel comfortable with all of these new changes. I find that children have the most success when their teacher and family work together, so please feel free to email or contact me with any questions! I know we are going to have a great year!

      Finding Your Way Around....

To navigate to other pages, use the sidebar on the left as your guide.


4-10 Information:



Located on Team Piranha page

Tests and Project due dates will be listed 

** I DO NOT post homework on the calendar**