Best Practices Assessment

A Technology Assessment is a good place to start if it has been a while since your information technology function was reviewed by a professional. I will use assessment material developed from nearly 40 years of industry experience, and the Principles and Practices recommendations published by the Montana Nonprofit Association to evaluate critical aspects of your information technology function.

After interviewing key personnel in your organization and reviewing your infrastructure I will prepare a comprehensive report of my findings. If you decided to move forward with corrective action, the report provides the basis for planning and budgeting follow on projects. In addition to the report I will facilitate a live (in person or remote) session with your leadership team to present and discuss the report.

The assessment highlights the current state of information technology in your organization and draws awareness to your strengths and weaknesses. If you want to gain a better understanding of your information technology function, show you are using donor funds responsibly or learn how you can use technology smarter, the Best Practices Assessment is the place to start.