
COURSE FEES: The total cost of each course is between $20-30, to be paid at registration, or as soon as possible.

COMMUNICATION: Parents & students may contact me at any time via the contact information provided and I will respond as quickly as possible.

Classroom Rules & Expectations

1.   Be in classroom and moving to your seat to work when the late bell rings. Being ready to work means that the students must have checked the board for start-up assignments. Students who waste time in the hall are usually late to class. This behavior will not be accepted and will result in the students being marked tardy.  3rd time = Write-up


2.   Come prepared to class. Paper and something to write with are required every class period. A small three ring binder is suggested (but not required) to keep notes and hand-outs.  In addition, students will be allowed to use computers for projects and group research.  The proper use of the NCCC property is your responsibility. 


3.   Do not bring drinks or food in computer labs. Students will be working with equipment an all precautions are taken to insure that the equipment is in working order. Spilling drink or food crumbs on the computer can cause damage.


4.   Do not talk or operate equipment during instructional time. This is rude and will not be tolerated. I expect all students to give me their attention while instructions are being given. I will not try to talk over the noise made be computers or printers and will not talk over other students who are talking. NO CELL PHONES OR HEADPHONES IN CLASS

**Use of cell phones for personal texting or phone calls will not be permitted at the Career Center while in class. Headphones should only be utilized for watching videos necessary for class.**

**Students refusing to willingly hand over the device upon request will receive TWO days of OSS.** 

5.   Do not use cosmetics, hairbrushes, combs, lotion, etc. in class. There is a time and place for everything and the classroom is not the proper place for personal hygiene. Nobody wants to use greasy keyboards or desks with other people’s hair on them.


6.   Be responsible for all equipment used during class. We try to have the most up-to-date equipment available for our students. Proper care must be given to equipment at all times.


7.   Keep workstations clean at all times. Students are expected to maintain a clean workspace.


8.   Show respect to teacher and other students at all times. Common courtesy is expected from all students.

All rules and procedures will be explained students the first week of school.

1st Offense: Verbal warning (depending on the situation; given the fact that we have gone over rules the first week) 2nd Offense: Referral, teacher detention or appropriate disciplinary action will be earned.

Additionally, a student’s responsible for his/her action and activity when using District technology resources.

General school rules for behavior and communications apply. The following are expressively not permitted:

1.   Sending, receiving, or displaying offensive messages or pictures;

2.   E-Mail usage without direct faculty permission;

3.   Damaging computers, computer attachments, networks or systems;

4.   Violating copyright laws—Approval must be obtained by school Information Specialist or teacher before copying or using another person’s password, account, or flash drive with or without their knowledge;

5.   Reconfiguring any hardware, software or system;

6.   Unauthorized use of any district technology resource.

Grading Policy:

Formal 80%

·       Application -50% in class activities such as textbook projects, group projects, and demonstration of learned skills.

·       Tests-30% This includes quizzes, chapter tests and unit tests.  (These assessments can be traditional multiple choice, true false, fill in the blank, and discussion questions.


·       Participation -20% This category encompasses anything from engaging in the lesson by asking questions or commenting, review questions, vocabulary, etc. 


Other Policies and Procedures:

10% Classwork, Homework, Class Participation: It is the student’s responsibility to check the board for assignments that they have missed. 

40% Projects are major test grades and cannot be missed.  The student’s final exam is a business plan with 10 parts.  Each of those parts is consider a major project and grade.  The student will create a collaborative business plan of their own, based off of those 10 parts.  If a student does not turn in a part of the plan during the semester, it is still due as a part of the collaborative exam at the end of the semester. 

50% Tests: Tests are generally compiled of True/False, Multiple Choice, and a few Short Answer. These are held as major grades also.  They are Open Note tests, but not open book. 

Late Assignments:

·       It is the responsibility of the student to obtained work missed.  The student will be given the same amount of days missed to make up and turn in the assignment. 

·       If a student does not turn an assignment when it is due than each day that it is late will be a 10% deduction. 

·       If a test or project is not made up the student will receive a “0”