California: A Walk in Time

An Educational Play by Barry Israelson

By: Barry Israelson

This play, crafted by the brilliant 4th grade teacher Mr. Israelson (or Mr. I to his students), takes the audience through a detailed story line of California's path to statehood opening with Native American settlers through the Spanish exploration and concluding with the California Gold Rush. The play encompasses the several hardships faced by the miners as well as the conflicts that occurred along the way, all accompanied by catchy songs and lighthearted narrations. Overall, the masterful play, over the time span of about 30 minutes, succeeds in presenting an accurate depiction of the Gold Rush and the influence it had in shaping the state of California in an entertaining and engaging way.



Adapted and Written by Barry Israelson

Recording of the Play performed at Clover Avenue Elementary

Performed by the 4th grade class of 2019

scenery/theming pictures


props pictures


costumes pictures


misc. pictures


Behind the brains...Mr. Israelson...

-Q: How long have you been a teacher and how long have you performed the play?

A: "I have been teaching full time at Clover for 20 years. This is year 18 of the play." (In 2019)

-Q: What inspired you to write this play?

A: "Originally we were given an option of doing a science fair or a play. Thankfully I chose a play! I reviewed a couple of plays that were used in elementary schools and decided to adapt them, and add my own touch to make it more entertaining."

-Q: Why do you think it’s important to teach kids about the Gold Rush?

A: "The Gold Rush is only part of California's history, but it had the greatest effect on our state. It opened the way for the incredible migration form all over the world that defines who we were, who we are, and who we want to be going forward."

-Q: Tips of advice to anyone going to perform the play?

A: "The tip I would give would be to bring an attitude to whatever character you're playing. It doesn't matter what attitude you bring, any choice you make will make your performance much more interesting."

-Q: Favorite part of the play?

A: "My favorite part of the play is the singing of "Fields of Gold." To this day, I still get goose bumps when I hear the ascending volume as each group joins in singing."

-Q: Favorite character?

A: "My favorite character is of course, Narrator B. As I continue to tell the kids, each narrator is an extension of the previous one. So, Narrator B is an ongoing prankster who goes for the laugh as often as possible. Needless to say, Narrator B is based on someone you know quite well...myself."

Created By: Amanda Matsubara for her Girl Scout Gold Award