About Us

What is ELAC?

ELAC stands for the English Learner Advisory Committee. This school level committee is comprised of parents, staff and community members who advise the school on the English learner program and services.

Composition & Formation

An ELAC committee is created when there are 21 or more English learners in the school. The number of parents of English learners in the committee should at least equal the percentage of English Learners in the school.

Meeting Requirements

Task 1: Importance of regular attendance

Task 2: Individual school EL plan

  • Describe services provided as additional support in ELD and other specific academic subject

  • Opportunities to increase reading skills (Ex: tutoring after school)

  • Use of technology for the development of skills

  • Supplementary assistance by staff

Task 3: Review school Calpads

Task 4: School needs assessment