Download MetaMask Chrome Extension From Chrome Web Store

Trading is evolving its roots around the world constantly and providing a good source of passive income. However, before starting trading you are required to have a reliable crypto wallet tool. Along with this, if you are depending on the internet for a reliable wallet then this could be the end of your trading journey because you are to check various things before considering a wallet good for your journey. Like whether the wallet you selected is legit or not, what features and security it provides, and many more.

To help you land with a reliable wallet, we have brought MetaMask Chrome wallet which is a renowned crypto tool. The MetaMask wallet comes with a user-friendly interface and its seamless design offers an easy and secure way to navigate the wallet on the go. It is available to download as a Chrome extension, Brave, Edge, Firefox, and many more. Apart from this, the wallet is also available for mobile users (Android and iOS). In the following article, we will tell you how you can download the MetaMask Chrome extension wallet on your computer device. Therefore, don’t jump anywhere else stay with us to learn more.

How To Download MetaMask Chrome?

The wallet gives a straightforward way to download the MetaMask crypto wallet. If you are downloading it for the first time or facing any issues while downloading, follow the steps mentioned below. 

Once you are done with the installation process, you may initiate the setup process. 

Note – you can also download the MetaMask wallet app by visiting

Steps To Set Up Your MetaMask Chrome

Once you successfully download your MetaMask Chrome extension, it will take you to the setup page. If you struggling or encountering issues while setting up your wallet, go through our step-by-step guide below. 

By following the above steps you can easily set up your MetaMask Chrome extension wallet on the go. 

What Are The Security Features MetaMask Chrome Is Offering?

Security is one of the important factors and the MetaMask extension takes its user's security and privacy seriously. It applies industries' top-notch security features that to keep its user’s assets safe and secure from potential online threats. Also, the wallet doesn’t store users' personal and private information to make sure that accounts are safe by the user's generated password while setting up their wallet. Whether you lose access to the device or event of damage or theft even then you can recover your wallet with the help of the MetaMask Chrome recovery seed phrase. 

Remember, do not disclose your secret recovery phrase to others because if one has your seed phrase can control your wallet and assets. This will lead to loss and you will not be able to access your wallet again. 

Despite this, you will get blockaid that warns users about potential scams before signing which saves your valuable assets from scammers. Along with this, you will also get a prompt from the MetaMask before taking any action at all. Without your confirmation, no transactions can sign or can’t perform any other action. As a decentralized wallet, MetaMask keeps user’s private keys on their device and gives them full control and authority over their assets. These are the security features that are offered by the MetaMask chrome wallet for its users.

How To Connect A Ethereum Network On MetaMask Chrome?

If you are new to the crypto world and seeking a way to connect an Ethereum network on the MetaMask Chrome extension, go through our briefly discussed guide below that addresses the same. 

This is how you can easily connect your MetaMask Chrome wallet to an Ethereum network by following the above steps. 


MetaMask Chrome extension is a decentralized wallet that offers unique features and a substantial level of security for its user’s assets. Whether you are a pro or a newbie in the crypto world, you will find this wallet suitable for everyone. In addition, its security features alert you before signing any transaction about potential scams. Also, without confirmation, you will not be able to take any action.

These outstanding security features stand the MetaMask out from the row when it comes to safeguarding assets. Although, you can swipe tokens to earn rewards and passive income. With the help of the MetaMask wallet, you can easily integrate with the decentralized application on the go. Start your trading journey with the MetaMask to avoid potential scams.


How can I keep My MetaMask wallet secure?

There are several ways to keep your MetaMask wallet safe and secure from others. Like, do not share your Seed phrase or keep it online, avoid clicking spammy links, and get in touch with the industry's updates to avoid potential scams.

Is MetaMask wallet available for mobile users?

Yes, MetaMask wallet is available as a mobile application for both Android and iOS users. One can download it from the Apple or Google Play Store.  

It is safe to have MetaMask on mobile?

Yes, the MetaMask is considered a safe and secure option for storing your digital assets on mobile. It doesn’t keep your personal information.

Is MetaMask wallet available in India?

Yes, the MetaMask wallet is available in India and offers all the features like all other countries users.