Black-Eyed Susan Books 


Black-Eyed Susan 

Nominated Books

The Black-Eyed Susan program is a children’s book choice award for the State of Maryland. Since 1992, students all over Maryland read books nominated by the committee and vote for which one is their favorite. There are three categories: picture book, chapter books, and graphic novels. The lists of nominated books by category are below. Voting takes place in the spring -- only students get to vote! Information on how to vote will be posted here in March 2024. Contact Ms. Hardy at or Mrs. Rahr at if you have questions. Happy reading!

Picture Books

You must read at least 8 of of the books to vote for your favorite in the spring. Books are available on Sora or at the public library. You can also listen to the read alouds below. If you want to keep track of the picture books you've read, click on this rating sheet link.

Students will be voting in May for their favorite of the 8 books we have read in media class. If you need to listen to any of the stories again, scroll down to the slide below with all the picture book read alouds. Then you can vote here. You may only vote for one of the 8 books we have read. Votes must be in by 5/25/2024.

23.24 BES Picture Books Read Alouds

Picture book rating sheet

Chapter Books 

You must read at least 3 of the chapter books to be able to vote for your favorite chapter book in the spring. Books are available on Sora or at the public library.

Copy of 2023-2024 MVA New Black Eyed Susan Chapter Book Nominees New

Graphic Novels

You must read at least 3 of the graphic novels to be able to vote for your favorite graphic novel in the spring. Books are available on Sora or at the public library.

2023-2024 Black Eyed Susan Graphic Novel Nominees