Helping Our Children Grow

The Stages of Development

Welcome to the ‘Helping Our Children Grow’ site of the Montgomery County Maryland Infants and Toddlers Program. This tool is designed to help you understand the stages of typical child development, while also showing what's ahead in your child's developmental milestones.

There are six skill areas that all children move through as they grow. Every child develops at an individual pace, so this site does not place importance on specific age deadlines, but rather the order in which those skills are demonstrated.

Click on the icons in each piece of the circle to see the progression of activities and what parents and caregivers can do to encourage the next step in their child's development.

When to seek help - If you notice something about your child's development that is different or it just doesn’t feel quite right, or if your baby or toddler isn’t learning new things or is having a lot of difficulty with a skill, start keeping track and bring it to the attention of your medical provider (pediatrician) or call your Infants and Toddlers Program.

This site was funded by a grant from MCPS OSE (Office of Special Education).

This site was created by MCITP - Emory Grove Staff.

For more information on the development of children, please visit our Resources page

"Cultural variation in childrearing philosophies, values, and beliefs explains differences in childrearing practices. So, parents in different cultures may structure environments, make experiences of one sort or another available, and interpret the meaning, usefulness, and so forth of different aspects of their environments differentially based on their culture. "

(Bornstein & Lansford, 2010)