Staff FAQs

I want to use my document camera while Zooming with my students. How can I make this happen?

You don't need a fancy doc cam to deliver instruction. Watch this video.

Can you recommend some Google Chrome Extensions to help make my work life easier?

Sam Kary shows teachers the most important Google Chrome Extensions for improving instruction, engagement, and organization.

I'm new to Seesaw and would love some remote learning training. Where can I find some?

Join Seesaw for live trainings, watch a recording, or work through the slides at your own pace. Click here. You can also find activities by grade and subject here.

How do I turn a PDF worksheet into an interactive assignment that can be posted to Google Classroom?

There are many ways to accomplish this task, one of which is shared on this site: Kami. Here's another workaround using Google Slides.

How do I combine multiple posts on my Padlet? It looks messy having two separate posts.

Here's a video explaining how to "combine" or "connect" multiple posts on one Padlet.

How do I set up a document camera at home?

You don't need a fancy doc cam to deliver instruction. All you need is a computer, an iPad or iPhone and some creativity. Watch this video for a solution.

Who do I reach out to for Google account issues?

If you need a password reset, reach out to your office manager.

My students are having trouble logging into the Clever portal.

The Clever portal provides easy access to digital resources available to your students. It simply requires that students use their Google accounts to sign in.

I don't like checking two email accounts. What can I do?

The simple answer is to forward your GMail messages to your Outlook inbox. Here's how: Forwarding GMail to Outlook

Where can I find free online resources and upgrades?

I can't locate my Scholastic access code. How can I get it?

Your access code can be located on the teacher edition for your magazine. If you are unable to locate your teacher edition, please feel free to call us at 1-800-SCHOLASTIC (1-800-724-6527) or email us at

How can I control email notifications from Google Classroom?

Is your inbox filling up with notifications? Click here to learn how to clamp it down.

How can I keep track of individual student assignments in Google Classroom?

Click here for one option.

How do I clean up my Google Classroom at the end of the school year?

Visit this blog post for end of the year tips.