Myths & Legends
Dear P6 Students,
Welcome to the Myths and Legends unit for bimester one. There are a couple of important things you need to do and know before we begin.
Make sure you are logged into your own school account.
Bookmark this page. You will need to access it throughout the bimester.
Add a shortcut for the 'P6 Myths & Legends Student Folder'. Google Drive folder shared with you to your own Google Drive. Do this by clicking the triangle and plus sign icon near the top left of your screen.
Ensure you are signed up to Google Classroom. That is where your teacher will assign the worksheets. Before they are assigned, you can only view them through this site. Please do not request access. Your teacher will assign the worksheets when needed. Work on the assigned document. DO NOT create a copy to work on. When your teacher writes comments on your work, DO NOT click resolve.
Throughout this bimester you will read a number of short stories to explore bigger concepts. Whilst exploring themes and ideas, you will also continue to develop your skills in the following areas:
descriptive language
various sentence structures
correct use of capital letters and full stops
consistent verb tense use
plot development
linking words
Your teacher will assign a short story and a thought provoking question each week. It is your responsibility to read the story, note unfamiliar vocabulary and think about the question before your first lesson the following week.
Enjoy the stories and remember to think about the message in the story.