Computational Analytics 

Cognitive Vision Lab


I Hear and I Forget 

I See and I Remember

I Analyze and I Understand 

CACV News!


[2023] 劉柏儀日商明日網科技】軟體工程師

[2023] 李哲銘 【華碩】 系統方案研發部工程師

[2023] 陳韋澎國立陽明交通大學】 智能系統研究所博士班

[2021] 許竣傑 【台積電】 設備工程師


[2024/05] 賀本實驗室 113創業歸故里創新創業競賽 通過初賽!

[2024/05] 賀本實驗室 吳俋諒 榮獲 巨鷗跨界智慧科技獎學金 !"Moving towards agriculture 4.0: An AI-AOI carrot inspection system with accurate geometric properties 邁向農業 4.0:具有精確幾何特性的 AI-AOI 胡蘿蔔偵測系統"

[2024/05] 新聞報道!電子系統智慧化工程,by 逢甲人月刊

[2024/01] Congratulations! New paper, "GNN-based Reverse Design for Mechanical Systems: Bridging Trajectory and Mechanical Design", accepted by Expert Systems With Applications, first authored by Ting-Chia Chen.

[2024/01] Congratulations! New paper, "AGV Indoor Localization: A High Fidelity Positioning and Map Building Solution based on Drawstring Displacement Sensors", accepted by Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Human

ized Computing, first authored by Shih-Yuan Wang.

[2023/12] 曾翔宇黃柏憲 榮獲 2023全國AI專題創意競賽人工智慧組 第一名 !「智慧農業系統」

[2022/12] 曾翔宇、黃柏憲 榮獲112學年度電子系畢業專題競賽 特優

[2022/12] 戴士軒、何苡立 榮獲112學年度電子系畢業專題競賽 佳作

[2022/12] 陳威丞、王軒毅、 謝岳儒 榮獲112學年度電子系畢業專題競賽 佳作

[2023/12] 賀本實驗室 榮獲 第十四屆 MATLAB & Simulink技術應用文章/論文徵選 第三名 !「Moving towards agriculture 4.0 An AI-AOI carrot inspection system with accurate geometric properties作者吳俋諒、梁詩婷、顏貽祥、Gen-Bing Liong.

[2023/11] Congratulations! New paper, "Precision Agriculture: Effective Plant Monitoring and Irrigation System using FourAxis Mechanism", accepted by CSME 2023, first authored by Sze-Teng Liong.

[2023/11] Congratulations! New paper, "SFAMNet: A Scene Flow Attention-based Micro-expression Network", accepted by Neurocomputing, first authored by Gen-Bing Liong.

[2023/10] Congratulations! New paper, "Lightweight Deep Learning Algorithm for Sorting Medical Waste Embedded System", accepted by Journal of Internet Technology, first authored by Y.S. Gan.

[2023/10] 賀本實驗室 榮獲2023台灣創新技術博覽會 專利發明銅獎 !「自動化雙面光學檢測裝置」發明人:顏貽祥、梁詩婷、范士凱、李哲銘、林諭賢

[2023/10] Congratulations! New paper, "Cost-effective Concrete Fabrication for Large Irregularly Shaped Architectural Structures", accepted by Automation in Construction, first authored by Shih-Yuan Wang.

[2023/06] Congratulations! 恭喜!專題生以研究題目「智慧化無塵防護裝備檢測系統 」獲得國科會112學年度計畫補助,補助金額達58,000元。 

[2023/06] Congratulations! New paper, "Moving Towards Agriculture 4.0: An AI-AOI Carrot Inspection System with Accurate Geometric Properties", accepted by Journal of Food Engineering, first authored by Sze-Teng Liong.

[2023/04] Congratulations! New paper, "Predicting trajectory of crane-lifted load using LSTM network: A comparative study of simulated and real-world scenarios", accepted by Expert Systems With Applications, first authored by Sze-Teng Liong.

[2023/04] Congratulations! New paper, "Feature Elimination Through Data Complexity for Error-Correcting Output Codes Based Micro-Expression Recognition", accepted by Signal Processing: Image Communication, first authored by Meng-Xin Sun.

[2023/03] Congratulations! New paper, "Revealing Concealed Spontaneous Facial Micro-expression: Are We a Step Closer to Unveil Real-life Behavioral Expressions?", accepted by Neurocomputing, first authored by Y.S. Gan.

[2023/03] 顏貽祥、梁詩婷、范士凱、李哲銘、林諭賢  榮獲發明專利【自動化雙面光學檢測裝置

[2023/02] 顏貽祥范士凱曾慶芸梁詩婷盛郁庭 榮獲發明專利【智能小黑蚊監測管理系統

[2023/01] Congratulations! New paper, "LAENet for Micro-expression Recognition", accepted by The Visual Computer, first authored by Y.S. Gan.

[2022/12] 梁詩婷顔貽祥林玟宏李哲銘  榮獲發明專利【皮革瑕疵檢測系統】

[2022/12] 賀本實驗室 吳俋諒 榮獲111學年度電子系畢業專題競賽佳作

[2022/11] Congratulations! New paper, "3D Printing on Freeform Surface:  Real-time and Accurate 3D Dynamic Dense Surface Reconstruction with HoloLens and Displacement Measurement Sensors", accepted by Advances in Mechanical Engineering, first authored by Y.T. Sheng.

[2022/11] Congratulations! New paper, "3D SOC-Net: Deep 3D Reconstruction Network based on Self-Organizing Clustering Mapping", accepted by Expert Systems with Applications, first authored by Y.S. Gan.

[2022/10] Congratulations! New paper, "A Novel Soft-Coded Error-Correcting Output Codes Algorithm", accepted by Pattern Recognition, first authored by Kun-Hong Liu.

[2022/07] Congratulations! New paper, "MTSN: A Multi-Temporal Stream Network for Spotting Facial Macro- and Micro-Expression with Hard and Soft Pseudo-labels", accepted by ACMMM FME'22 & MEGC2022, first authored by Gen-Bing Liong.

[2022/07] Congratulations! New paper, "What Does It Look Like? An Artificial Neural Network Model to Predict the Physical Dense 3D Appearance of a Large-scale Object", accepted by Expert Systems With Applications , first authored by Shih-Yuan Wang.

[2022/06] Congratulations! 恭喜!專題生以研究題目「基於深度學習之小黃瓜辨識與分級暨即時幾何屬性運算整合型機台系統 」獲得科技部111學年度計畫補助,補助金額達48,000元。 

[2022/06] Congratulations! New paper, "Needle in a Haystack: Spotting and recognising micro-expressions “in the wild”", accepted by Neurocomputing, first authored by Y. S. Gan.

[2022/04] Congratulations! New paper, "An Automated Cucumber Inspection System based on Neural Network", accepted by Journal of Food Process Engineering, first authored by Y. S. Gan.

[2022/03] Congratulations! New paper, "The Design of Error-Correcting Output Codes Based Deep Forest for the Micro-expression Recognition ", accepted by Applied Intelligence , first authored by Wei-Ping Lin .

[2022/01] Congratulations! New paper, "An Improved Automatic Defect Identification System on Natural Leather via Generative Adversarial Network", accepted by International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, first authored by Y.S. Gan .

[2022/01] Congratulations! New paper, "The Heterogeneous Ensemble of Deep Forest and Deep Neural Networks for Micro-expressions Recognition", accepted by Applied Intelligence, first authored by Kun-Hong Liu.

[2020/12] 賀本實驗室 曾博晟、劉芫志 榮獲110學年度電子系畢業專題競賽優等

[2020/12] 賀本實驗室 林玟宏林諭賢 榮獲110學年度電子系畢業專題競賽佳作

[2021/10] Congratulations! New paper, "Design of Multi-receptive Field Fusion-based Network for Surface Defect Inspection on Hot-rolled Steel Strip Using Lightweight Dataset", accepted by Applied Sciences, first authored by Wei-Peng Tang.

[2021/09] Congratulations! New paper, "Automated Classification System for Tick Bite Defect on Leather", accepted by Mathematical Problems in Engineering, first authored by  Y. S. Gan.

[2021/08] 賀本實驗室 林玟宏、曾博晟、劉芫志 榮獲第一屆全國AI圖像辨識應用競賽佳作獎!

[2021/07] Congratulations! New paper, "Detection and Localization of Defects on Natural Leather Surfaces", accepted by Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, first authored by  Y. S. Gan.

[2021/07] Congratulations! New paper, "How Many Bedrooms Do You Need? A Real Estate Recommender System from Architectural Floor Plan Images", accepted by Scientific Programming, first authored by  Y. S. Gan.

[2021/06] 賀本實驗室 林玟宏、林諭賢 榮獲2021逢甲大學創新應用專題競賽三等獎

{2021/06] Congratulations! 恭喜 許竣傑 Jun-Jie Xu過碩士論文口試 !

[2021/06] Congratulations! New paper, "Find the Centroid: A Vision-based Approach for Optimal Object Grasping", accepted by Journal of Food Process Engineering, first authored by  Jun-Jie Xu.

[2021/01] Congratulations! New paper, "Micro-expression Recognition using Advanced Genetic Algorithm", accepted by Signal Processing: Image Communication, first authored by  Kun-Hong Liu.

[2020/12] 賀本實驗室 林群旻莊聖南蔡宏昕 榮獲109學年度電子系畢業專題競賽特優

[2020/12] 賀本實驗室 李哲銘、李宇倫、柯冠宇 榮獲109學年度電子系畢業專題競賽佳作

[2020/10] Congratulations! New paper, "Automated Leather Defect Inspection using Statistical Approach on Image Intensity", accepted by Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing , first authored by  Y. S. Gan.

[2020/08] Congratulations! New paper, "Integration of Machine Learning-based Prediction for Enhanced Model’s Generalization: Application in Photocatalytic Polishing of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME)", accepted by Environmental Pollution, first authored by Kim Hoong Ng.

[2020/08] Congratulations! New paper, "Who is the Designer? ARC-100 Database and Benchmark on Architecture Classification", accepted by International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems , first authored by Yen-Chang Huang.

[2020/07] Congratulations! New paper, "Leather Defect Classification and Segmentation using Deep Learning Architecture ", accepted by International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing , first authored by Liong, Sze-Teng.

[2020/06] Congratulations! 恭喜!專題生以研究題目「基於卷積神經網絡之智慧化人臉即時醫療處理系統 」獲得科技部109學年度計畫補助,補助金額達48,000元。 

[2020/06] Congratulations! New paper, "A Statistical Approach in Enhancing the Volume Prediction of Ellipsoidal Ham Journal of Food Engineering", accepted by Journal of Food Engineering, first authored by Y. S. Gan .

[2020/05] Congratulations! New paper, "A Ternary Bitwise Calculator Based Genetic Algorithm for Improving Error Correcting Output Codes", accepted by Information Sciences, first authored by Xiao-Na Ye .

[2020/05]  Congratulations! 恭喜!巨鷗跨界智慧科技獎學金(研究生)-電子系梁詩婷老師指導張修齊同學之「Automatic Defect Segmentation on Leather with Deep Learning」獲獎。 

[2020/04] Congratulations! New paper, "GA-ApexNet: Genetic Algorithm in Apex Frame Network for Micro-expression Recognition System", accepted by 2020 International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Control (CPRIC 2020), first authored by Qiu-Shi Jin .

[2020/04] Congratulations! New paper, "The Design of Variable-Length Coding Matrix for Improving Error Correcting Output Codes", accepted by Information Sciences, first authored by Kaijie Feng .

[2020/03] Congratulations! New paper, "Automatic Traditional Chinese Painting Classification: A Benchmarking Analysis", accepted by Computational Intelligence , first authored by Liong, Sze-Teng .

[2020/01] Congratulations! New paper, "Evaluation of the Spatio-Temporal features and GAN for Micro-expression Recognition System", accepted by Journal of Signal Processing Systems, first authored by Liong, Sze-Teng .

[2019/09] A research collaboration with the company Shoesconn Technology Co. Ltd, entitled "An Assesment Study on the Bill of Material Extraction of Footwear Product"!

[2019/07] Congratulations! New paper, "Microarray Data Classification Based on Computational Verb", accepted by IEEE Access, first authored by Liu, Kun-Hong.

[2019/05] Congratulations!  "A Shallow Triple Stream Three-dimensional CNN (STSTNet) for Micro-expression Recognition System" won the Second Place in Micro-expressions Grand Challenge (MEGC 2019) in Lille, France.

[04/ 2019/04] Congratulations! New paper, "Dual-Stream Shallow Networks for Facial Micro-Expression Recognition", accepted by IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) , first authored by Huai-Qian Khor.

[2019/04] Congratulations! New paper, "Learning Optical Flow Features with Deep Learning for Micro-expression Recognition", accepted by IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan, first authored by Liong, Sze-Teng .

[2019/04] Congratulations! New paper, "Automatic Surface Area and Volume Prediction on Ellipsoidal Ham using Deep Learning", accepted by Journal of Food Process Engineering , first authored by Liong, Sze-Teng .

[2019/03] Two new FYP students ,  Tran Quang Binh and Le Cong Tue, from Tôn Đức Thắng University  Vietnam, join our team for a semester!

[2019/02] Congratulations! New paper, "OFF-ApexNet on Micro-expression Recognition System", accepted by Signal Processing: Image Communication, first authored by Liong, Sze-Teng .

[2019/02] Congratulations! New paper, "A Shallow Triple Stream Three-dimensional CNN (STSTNet) for Micro-expression Recognition System", accepted by 2019 IEEE Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, first authored by Liong, Sze-Teng .

[2018/09] Two new FYP students ,  VoThanh Chuong and Nguyen Hiep, from Tôn Đức Thắng University  Vietnam, join our team for a semester!

[2018/08] Dr. Gan, Yee-Siang from Xiamen University Malaysia visited our lab.

[2018/04] Congratulations! New paper, "Bi-directional Vectors from Apex in CNN for Micro-expression Recognition", accepted by IEEE International Conference on Image, Vision and Computing , first authored by Gan, Yee-Siang.

[2018/03] Congratulations! New paper, "Less is more: Micro-expression recognition from video using apex frame", published in Signal Processing: Image Communication, first authored by Liong, Sze-Teng .