Student Code of Conduct.

The School Discipline Policy incorporates the Department of Education Guidelines and the values expressed in the School Profile. The support and cooperation of parents in carrying out the policy of the school are expected.

In order to make the most of their educational opportunities, students should expect to:

Students are expected to:

Responses to breaches of this Code of Conduct include:

The Code of Conduct is based upon the values expressed in the school profile - self-respect, pride in achievement and in the school, respect and tolerance for others and responsible citizenship. As indicated by the motto “Potens Sui”, self-discipline rather than regulation by a set of rules is the preferred approach to discipline. This code applies equally at school and when students are travelling to and from school. It is expected that on public transport girls will behave courteously, willingly give up their seat to those adults standing, and ensure that their conversation and behaviour do not cause annoyance to other travellers.

Mac.Rob's Generative AI Guidelines.

Mac.Rob has produced a set of guidelines for the appropriate use of AI at Mac.Rob for teachers and for students on AI. Infographics that simplify the guidelines for staff and students and you will see these on the walls around the school.

As the technology develops, we are likely to see changes to the guidelines for use of AI in schools. We will update our guidelines as responses to this technology changes and best practice emerge. All students should familiarise themselves with the appropriate use of generative AI resources and ensure they apply them ethnically and in line with Mac.Rob's educational standards.

AI At MacRob - Guide for Students.pdf

Promoting Positive Relationships.

The Mac.Robertson Girls’ High School is committed to the promotion of a healthy, safe and respectful environment, recognising the ethnic, social and cultural diversity of the school. The Student Code of Conduct encourages positive relationships within the school community. Should bullying or harassment occur, the behaviour needs to be addressed for the well-being of all concerned.

The school identifies bullying as any spoken, written or physical behaviour that is unwelcome by the recipient, whether or not the offender intends or understands it to be unwelcome. Bullying can be carried out by an individual or by a group and causes pain, discomfort or embarrassment to another.

Bullying may be subtle, explicit or criminal, and includes:

What the school will do:

Anti-bullying strategies and initiatives contributing to the development of positive self-esteem are promoted within the curriculum. They will continue to form an important part of the extensive co-curricular program of the school and are implicit in well-being programs, such as the Links Leader and Peer Support programs, the Support for Success (Case Management) System and the many Leadership Training programs available to all students. The Mac.Robertson Girls’ High School does not tolerate bullying/cyberbullying. 

Avoid Cyber Bullies:

Communication Protocols.

Our staff love to help you and love hearing your curious questions. We do, however, need to manage how and when those questions are asked and answered, in an effort to balance staff work demands. 

Please make it a priority to communicate face to face with staff members - ask your questions in class, or make time outside of class to do so. Face to face communication allows the staff member to understand your questions fully and address them efficiently. If you do need to email staff, please ensure you schedule send it, so they receive it during work hours (8:20am - 4:20pm, Monday to Friday). Staff may choose to respond to your emails outside of their work hours, but you should not expect them to do so. 

A response within 2 working days (if a staff member is not absent) is the expected time frame. Staff members will activate an ‘Out of Office’ message if they are absent from work, so that you are aware their response may be delayed and it will direct you to where you can seek assistance for urgent matters.

Lockers & Care of Property.

Each student is assigned a locker at the beginning of the year which must be secured with a sturdy combination lock (supplied by the school) and maintained in good order throughout the year. Students are responsible for the cleanliness of their locker and the surrounding locker area. Items should not be left outside the lockers and the front of the locker should not be decorated.

All items of clothing, books and bags should be clearly marked with the student's name.  Musical instruments should also be clearly identified and not left lying on top of lockers.  The music practice rooms are available for storage purposes.  Although every effort is made to locate lost property, students are ultimately responsible for their own belongings.

Money and Valuables.

If students need to bring large sums of money or valuables to school, it is important these are kept secured in their locker for safekeeping. Students may keep their mobile phone on them but it must be off, otherwise it should be kept in their locker.