Independent Reading Challenge

Reading Challenge

This year, you are being challenged to read at least THIRTY books! You may think that's a lot. A TON. AN ENORMOUS AMOUNT! But, in reality, it's not. It's very feasible. And you CAN do it. One book at a time. Twenty minutes a day. You develop a routine, and it all adds up.

Why should I read?

A good book...can change us.

...reading stories can actually improve your social skills by helping you better understand other human beings. The process of entering imagined worlds of fiction builds empathy and improves your ability to take another person's point of view. It can even change your personality. we read fiction, we...also learn more about ourselves, others, and how we might relate to one another.

Reading great literature...enlarges and improves us as human beings.

Taken from -- Beers, K., & Probst, R. (2013). Notice & Note: Strategies for close reading. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann

How do you spot a FAKE news story?

Read HERE and

But what should I read next??

Here are some links to get you started:

Best Books for Middle Schoolers (according to 7th graders!)

What should I read next? - put in the last good book you read

Stumble Upon - Works just like "What should I read next?" above

Book Genie - click on the photos to find the next book you're in the mood to read

Your Next Read - put in the last good book you read

Book Seer - put in the last good book you read

Young Adult Books in Series & Sequels

The Split - Young Adult Book Review Podcasts

Chapter Chat - Book Reviews BY 6th graders

Teen Lit Reviews - books reviewed BY teens, FOR teens

Great Reads for Fun - books reviewed BY high schoolers, FOR high schoolers

Books in the Middle - book reviews for middle school and up

Literature Map - put in an author that you like

Go Book Yourself - a Tumblr account that is updated often w/new recs.

Mrs. Heise Reads - a blog about current MS and YA books

The Loft - myriad (a lot of!) recommendations

The Ultimate Guide of Books for Reluctant Readers aged 12-13!

Books for Middle School Boys (blog post)

Top 10 Books for Adolescent Boys Who Hate Reading (blog post)

Reluctant Readers will get HOOKED by these Books! (blog post)

Best Books for Ages 9-14 !

Best Ever Teen Books - 100 !

50 Best YA Books of All Time

Best Books for Grades 6-8

Great Graphic Novels for Teens

Rebecca Caudill Award-Winning Books

Nutmeg Book Award - Middle to High School - Connecticut

Cybils Award - Middle-Grades Fiction Middle School Book List Popular Teen Books

Lincoln Award: Illinois Teen Readers' Choice Award

American Library Association Winners - 2016

Love Reading Map - Find books based on their locations!

Novelist - from your AHML library!

For Reading Emergencies - Book reviews by middle school students

If you are an avid reader, be sure to help others choose their next book by adding to this document: If you liked this book...

When you find more sites that deserve to be on this list, let me know!

WILD Readers - Challenge Yourself

You are already a WILD reader? How do you keep reading engaging and fresh? By setting a challenge for yourself! Here are a few challenges - see which one will suit you this year, or come up with a new one for yourself to share with us. Thank you to Mrs. Mizerny (@CherylTeaches) for the ideas! And thank you Joy Kirr for the fabulous collection of ELA ideas.

The Nerdbery Challenge - Read the Newbery Award winning books.

Book-A-Day Challenge - Read a book every day (can be picture books, blog posts, articles, etc...).

Book Gap Challenge - What are your book gaps? What don't you read, and why? Figure out your gap, and set a challenge for yourself to fill that gap.

Geography Challenge - Choose novels that take place in different countries or states in the U.S. Read novels from at least four different geographic locations.

Immigration Challenge - Read these eleven books.

​Make a Book Club Challenge - Create a book club, choose a time, choose a book, and read with a club! Share your thoughts, then choose another book.

Read Harder Challenge - Don't just read, read harder!

Series Challenge - Find a series of three or more books and read every book in the series.

Design Your OWN Challenge! - There are many other challenges out there. On the Internet, there are challenges such as The Rory Gilmore Challenge, the recommended "Must Read in Middle School" lists, The Mighty Girl Website recommended list, Read-Alike lists (the types that are "If you loved ___, then try ___), and many more. If 30 books feels overwhelming, you may simply determine the number of books that you feel you could realistically read in a month/year and make that your challenge.

Thank you, Joy Kirr for the ideas and wording.