
PE #3.pdf

PE with Coach Jenn Week #1

Choose 4 activities to complete for 30 minutes each

  • Go on a walk, jog and or bike ride
  • Play outside with a sibling- Throw a ball, catch or pass
  • Create a new game- Explain the rules and what equipment would be needed.
  • Make up a new dance or learn a dance
  • Play your favorite sport- dribble a basketball/ soccer ball or bump/ set volleyball
  • Write a short essay about your favorite athlete or sport
  • Go on a hike with your family
  • Nature scavenger hunt- find 10 rocks, 5 sticks, 5 leaves and 5 flowers and create something
  • 5 rounds of the Lupin Hill Tiger circuit training: 10 push-ups, 10 sit-ups, 10 second plank and 10 jumping jacks (repeat 5x)
  • Do Yoga

Bonus Activity- Tiger Challenge

  • How many jumps on a trampoline can you do in a minute?
  • How many times can you jump rope in a minute?
  • How long can you hula hoop for ?