Part D Assistance

Medicare Open Enrollment is from October 15 to December 7. Plans may change in coverage and costs every year. We encourage all Medicare beneficiaries to review their choices for the upcoming plan year to ensure enrollment in the plan that best fits their needs. HICAP Services of Northern California offers free and unbiased information and advocacy for people with Medicare. Our volunteer HICAP Medicare counselors are registered with the California Department of Aging, and they can help you review your Medicare choices. Our services are available to residents in El Dorado, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Sierra, Sutter, Yolo and Yuba counties regardless of income or age.

For assistance with Part D plan comparisons during the Annual Election Period (aka Open Enrollment), HICAP will focus on plan comparison by mail/email, alongside our individual one-on-one appointments and limited group workshops. Outside of Open Enrollment, contact HICAP for a one-on-one appointment or submit a plan comparison request.

Plan Comparison By Mail

If you are looking for assistance with comparing your 2021 Part D options, you may request assistance through the mail (or email). Please print and complete our 2021 Worksheet and return it to the appropriate address below. You can also use the Google Form below to submit your Worksheet (NOTE: if you are using a public computer, do not save any information on that computer. Make sure to close the window once you are done, clear the browser history, and log out of your session. Take special care of your information if you are using a public wi-fi source for your Internet connection, as your information may not be secure while using such sources.). HICAP will compare your 2021 Medicare options using the Medicare website and provide you with the results. You can enroll in the plan of your choice by contacting the plan directly.

Each person with Medicare in your household should complete a separate Worksheet. It is very important that you include your list of prescriptions. If you run out of space, please add a new sheet. You can also ask your pharmacist to print out a list of your current medications and attach the pharmacy list instead of writing it out.

Your 2021 Worksheet must be postmarked by Monday, November 23, 2020 for HICAP assistance. HICAP assistance may not be available for Worksheets postmarked after this date. You may also fax this form to (916) 376-8795.

Help with Prescription Costs: The Low Income Subsidy (LIS), also known as Extra Help, is a government program that helps with Medicare Part D prescription drug costs and plan premiums. If you would like HICAP to screen you for eligibility, check the box marked "Yes, please assessment my eligibility for Extra Help" and include your gross monthly income. HICAP can help you to apply for the program if you appear to be eligible.


HICAP Medicare Counseling Services

505 12th Street

Sacramento, CA 95814


HICAP Medicare Counseling Services

P.O. Box 691274

Stockton, CA 95267


HICAP Medicare Counseling Services

12183 Locksley Lane, Suite 204

Auburn, CA 95602


HICAP Medicare Counseling Services

Placerville Senior Center

937 Spring Street

Placerville, CA 95667

AEP Intake Form (print double-sided).pdf

HICAP counseling services are provided by Counselors registered by the California Department of Aging who are acting in good faith to provide information about health insurance polices and benefits. This information shall not be construed to be legal advice, and the volunteer HICAP Counselor is generally not liable for acts and omissions in providing counseling to recipients of this service. (W&I Code, Section 9541(f).) If you choose a plan and have difficulty with the enrollment process, the HICAP Counselor may assist you. However, you will be responsible for the actual plan contract. The HICAP Counselor will NOT choose your plan for you.