French 1

Students should check in to Google classroom for details, docs, additional attachments about what we did in class.

At each level, students will apply language skills to contextual themes throughout the year. Some themes in French 1 may include:

Objective: Je peux commencer à converser avec les autres en français.

Essential Question: Comment est-ce que je peux saluer les autres? How can I greet others in French?

Unit Overview: Beginning conversational French including greetings and leave takings, introductions, extending, accepting and declining invitations. Basics also include time, weather, numbers, and foundational vocabulary for beginning French learners.

Actvities- Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire?

Objetive: Je peux commencer à parler de mes activités préférées.

Essential Question: Comment faire des amis en français?

Unit overview: Introduction to pastimes, saying what you like and dislike, descriptions to discuss self and others (introduction to present tense conjugation). Cultural perspectives on how free time may vary from culture to culture.

School- Comment est ma journée à l’école?

Objetive: Je peux expliquer une journée typique à l’école.

Essential Question: Comment décrire mon lycée? Comment le comparer avec un lycée français ?

Unit overview: Discussing a typical school day including objects, activities, and opinions. Cultural perspectives on how school systems vary from culture to culture

Au café

Objetive: Je sais naviguer une carte au café.

Essential Question: Comment parler de ce que j’aime manger?

Unit Overview: Talking about food preferences, habits, and ordering in cafés/ restaurants. Cultural perspectives on cuisine may vary from culture to culture.