Class Rules

I have a very laid back approach to classroom management. I look forward to developing a positive and easy-going relationship with my students every year. However, to ensure that can happen, I have 5 simple rules that I ask students to follow. These rules are listed and explained below! :)

1. Be on time, on task, & prepared to learn everyday.

I ask that you avoid being tardy to my class, but I understand that adjusting to a new school environment can sometimes be difficult and emergencies sometimes happen. I also ask that you bring all proper supplies with you to class and show up with a positive attitude!

2. Respect the teacher, the classroom, other students, and yourself.

Life is easier for everyone involved if we show respect to one another. Also, I work very hard every year to decorate my classroom and many of my supplies are bought with my own money. I put supplies in my classroom for you and me, but I ask that you please be careful with anything that you use!

3. Be responsible for your own learning!

In other words, always try your hardest and give your all in my class. Also, cheating is never tolerated in my room. If you're cheating, then you aren't learning for yourself and are taking advantage of someone else's hard work...and that doesn't sound very responsible, right?

4. Clean up after yourself and your peers.

Contrary to what you may think, I am not your maid. If you or someone around you makes a mess, please try and clean it up. I don't mind if small snacks or drinks are brought into my class. However, if it becomes a problem to where it is a constant mess or destraction, then it will no longer be allowed.

5. Keep all personal electronics put away!

Long story short, they're a huge distraction. If you're ever allowed to have them in my room, I will tell you beforehand. But if you haven't been given permission, then I ask that you please keep them silenced and put away. :)