for joining us for our weekly Zoom Workouts!

They are now finished for this school year.

Have fun, stay fit, eat healthy and enjoy a wonderful summer!

St. Pats Virtual Field Week

June 15th-19th

St. Patrick Virtual Field Day

St. Pats Fitness Challenge

*Each week we will be posting different fitness challenges.

*We will include the Phys. Ed. teachers scores and the goal is to see if you can beat your teachers.

*Don't forget its very important to do the move properly.

*Have someone film you and send it to Ms. Chelsea and we will post some of the videos on our P.E. site (please send in a google drive or as a youtube video).

* Don't forget, your Phys. Ed team is always online to answer any of your questions, feel free to e-mail any one of us.

*Good luck & Have fun!!

Week 4 - June 15th-19th

How far can we run as a school?

Please submit you completed distance by Friday June 19th at 9am.

Week 3 - June 8th-12th

Wall Sit & 1KM Run

Wall Sit

Ms. Chelsea- 1:20 Minutes

Mr. David- 2:45 Minutes

What will your score be?

1KM Run (Use "map my run" or "google maps" to track your distance)

Ms. Chelsea -5:45 Minutes

Mr. David- 6:29 Minutes

What will your time be?

Week 2 - June 1st-5th

Plank & Combo Challenge

*Don't forget to send us your videos so we can post them on the P.E. page.

Plank Challenge

Ms. Chelsea - 1:45 Minutes

Mr. David- 2 Minutes

Ms. Rose - 1 Minute

What will your score be?

Combo (push up/jumping jack) Challenge

Ms. Chelsea- 5 Sets + 6 Push ups

Mr. David- 6 Sets

What will your score be?

Week 1- May 25th-30th

The Squat & Mountain Climbers

The Squat - 1 minute

Ms. Chelsea - 46 Squats

Mr. David- 56 Squats

Ms. Rose - 35 Squats

What will your score be?

Mountain Climbers - 1 minute

Ms. Chelsea- 132 Mountain climbers

Mr. David- 90 Mountain climbers

Ms. Rose - 75 Mountain Climbers

What will your score be?

Healthy Living

Get Moving!

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