Clint Ross

Assistant Principal/A+ Coordinator

Lawson High School

A+ Paperwork and Items of Interest

2019-20 new tut ment handbook booklet.doc.pdf
2019-2020 Updated A+ Student Agreement Etc.pdf
tutmenthandbook reflection.doc
Confirmation of Notification Blank.doc
A tutment workshop power point.ppt

Student Handbook, FAQ's and Helpful Thoughts

Technology Use Agreement and Student/Parent Sign-Off Sheet 2020-2021 Student Handbook

2020-21 Technology and Handbook Receipt Agreement
2020-2021 LHS Student Handbook .pdf


In School Suspension 12-13.docx
A Statement on Bullying, Hazing and Cyberbullying_.pdf

Career Center Information and Documentation

Career Center - start of school.pdf
Career Center Compliance Student-Parent Sign-off form 19-20.pdf

Video Clips Emergency Drill/Crisis Plan Situations

KEYS: Signals and Instructions for Possible Situations:

1)Before School, 2)During Lunch, 3)Between Classes

Ross Keys Video.mp4