
Repetition through limited range of motion is the single biggest cause of injury.

Some pre- and post - injury prevention/mobility/core training routines (Hipwood):

Leg Swings

Leg Circuit

Dynamic WU/Skip Sequence 

Jump Rope Warm Up

Lunge w.u. - Myrtl - Posture/Activation Circuits

Hurdle Mobility Circuit

Barefoot Circuit

Range of Motion (ROM) Circuit

Plank & Pedestal Circuits

Anywhere Standing Stretches

Complete Stretch Routine

Foam Rolling 

Weightroom work:

Strong influence by Boo Schexnayder and Carrie Lane; researching their work is highly recommended if this is an area of interest:
Sample Strength Workouts

Though possibly a little dated in some of its assumptions about current coaching practices, this is a very nice article describing strength progression:
Roles of Strength Training for Distance Runners