8 Expectations

  1. We will value one another as unique and special individuals.

  2. We will not laugh at or make fun of a person’s mistakes nor use sarcasm or putdowns.

  3. We will use good manners, saying “please,” “thank you,” and “excuse me” and allow others to go first.

  4. We will cheer each other to success.

  5. We will help one another whenever possible.

  6. We will recognize every effort and applaud it.

  7. We will encourage each other to do our best.

  8. We will practice virtuous living, using the Life Principles.

Life Principles

Citizenship- behaving in a responsible manner as a citizen of a community

Commitment- keeping a promise or a pledge

Common Sense- thinking before acting; using good judgment

Compassion- ability to share another’s feelings or ideas

Cooperation- working together

Courage- strength to act even when afraid or uncertain

Courtesy- consideration, cooperation and generosity

Curiosity- desire to learn, to explore, to investigate

Dedication- setting aside for a particular purpose

Effort- doing one’s best in an endeavor

Empathy- capacity for participating in another’s feelings or ideas

Esprit De Corps- devotion among members of group for each other and the group’s purpose

Flexibility- ability to make adjustments or alter plans

Forgiveness- act of forgiving for an offense; pardoning

Fortitude- strength of mind that enables a person to encounter danger or bear pain or adversity with courage

Friendship- caring for and trusting others

Honesty- truthfulness

Humanitarianism- promotion of human welfare and social reform

Humility- being humble, not proud or haughty, not arrogant or assertive

Initiative- taking action; originating new ideas

Integrity- acting according to a sense of right and wrong

Justice- being fair, right, and upholding what is right

Loyalty- faithfulness to another

Optimism- an inclination to put the most favorable construction upon actions and happenings or to anticipate the best possible outcome

Patience- ability to wait calmly

Patriotism- love for or devotion to one’s country

Perseverance - ability to persist or continue striving to the end

Problem-Solving- creating solutions; finding answers

Propriety- standard of what is socially acceptable in conduct or speech

Resiliency- recovering from or adjusting easily to misfortune or change

Respect- feeling honor

Responsibility- making the choice to be reliable and dependable

Self-Discipline - the ability to choose and control one’s own actions

Service - giving of one’s time and energies to help others

Sincerity- honesty of mind; freedom from hypocrisy

Temperance - moderation in action, thought, or feeling