April 13-17

Click below for the Klein ISD curriculum


Second Grade Support for At Home Learning

Second Grade Checklist Week 4/13-4/17

Second grade encourages every student to work in Lexia for 20 minutes a day! (Remember to log on through StudentNET)

Reading Focus:

The student will use nonfiction text features to help guide them through their reading of their nonfiction book.

The student will write an informational lab report using specific details.


Math Focus:

I can model contextual multiplication situations in which equivalent sets of concrete objects are joined..

Second grade encourages every student to work in First in Math for 20 minutes a day! (Remember to log on through StudentNET)

Please know that your child can work on all of the First in Math games. Click on the image to the right to learn more about each section in First in Math.

Below is a choice board for your child to practice multiplication.

Muliplication & Division
