Spiritual & Faith Based

Experience Christendom Summer Program (ECSP)

The Experience Experience Christendom Summer Program (ECSP), is a program which attracts students from all across the country and various foreign countries.

Students attend the Front Royal, VA, campus for a week (Sunday through Saturday) and take part in academic, social, recreational, and spiritual activities, led by current students as counselors. They come away with a new appreciation for the Catholic faith and culture, and are exposed to the transformative power of a truly Catholic liberal arts education.

Each year, high school students spend a week on campus and, by the end of the week as “one of the best weeks of their lives,” and have ranked the program on average 4.75 out of 5 on a survey. Not just of the summer, but ever. The program consists of an average of 45-50 students in each session and runs six of these one-week sessions.

The cost of the program fairly inexpensive and generous financial aid is given to students who request it/qualify. The program is for students who will be entering their senior year of high school in the fall.

Want More Details? Click here - Experience Christendom Summer Program.

Grand Canyon University Summer Camps

Grand Canyon University invites high school students to get a jumpstart on their college learning and explore potential careers in their Christian summer camp programs.

In three days and two nights, students will experience GCU's college life and gain insight into career fields. Each day is planned with exciting social events and informative academic programming.

According to their website, “High school students are required to have an unweighted GPA of at least 3.0 to attend the Summer Institute. Honors camps require a GPA of at least 3.5 to attend. Students will be required to submit unofficial transcripts during the registration process.”

Want More Details? Click here - Grand Canyon University Summer Camps.

University of Notre Dame - Summer Seminary Program (and more)

Notre Dame is a place to enrich your mind, body, and spirit. While we provide our students with a world-class academic environment, there is also a strong sense of community that pervades the campus and it can only be understood through experience. As a participant in one of our Pre-College Programs, you’ll experience both. You'll learn under the instruction of Notre Dame faculty, live in a Notre Dame residence hall, eat in the dining halls, and serve in the community. As you do, you'll be challenged intellectually and enriched socially.

Pre-College Program participants also work closely with their Resident Counselors, current Notre Dame students who play an integral role in the success of each program. The Counselors bring a multitude of talents to the programs and are instrumental in providing an authentic model of Notre Dame student life.

Want more details? Click here - University of Notre Dame Summer Programs

Additional ND Summer Programs can be found off the main ND Summer Scholars Program Site, including but not limited to:

  • Introduction to Engineering Program

  • Saints and Scholars Program

  • Summer Seminary Program

  • Immersion Program

  • Career Discovery in Architecture Program

  • QuarkNet (Physics)

  • ND Visions Program for HS Students

Yiddish Book Center's Great Jewish Books Summer Program

At the Yiddish Book Center's Great Jewish Books Summer Program, rising high school juniors and seniors read selections from important works of modern Jewish literature and consider how they speak to the opportunities and challenges we face today. Under the guidance of college professors, they consider how the rich legacy of modern Jewish literature can inform us in the twenty-first century.

Although the program’s focus is on reading, this is not school in any conventional sense: Great Jewish Books is a lively program full of social, cultural, and recreational opportunities—and no grades—for students who read for the love of reading and who are eager to discover the treasures of the Jewish canon. Participants spend their days at the Yiddish Book Center, immersed in a lively world of Jewish culture, and live in dorms on the nearby campus of Hampshire College. Every admitted participant receives a scholarship for the full cost of tuition, room, board, books, and special events.

Note: Students at Great Jewish Books come from a wide variety of backgrounds, Jewish affiliations, and experiences. We welcome people with multiple heritages, people of color, LGBTQ+ participants, and non-Jewish participants. Anyone who has an interest in Jewish literature and culture is welcome to apply.

Want more details? Click here - Yiddish Book Center's Great Jewish Books Summer Program