Holy Trinity Middle School Math

Hello, and welcome to my home on the internet! Use the navigation tools above to head to whichever page you need.

I am entering my 5th year at Holy Trinity Catholic School, having taught middle school math all five years. This will be my second year as the adviser for the National Junior Honor Society. I very much look forward to what will hopefully be a more normal school year than the past two! If you have an questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Contact Me: noye.bill@holytrinitycatholic.school


Canvas can be accessed at holytrinity.instrucutre.com.

Login information on PC is the student's Google login information.

This is a link to my school YouTube page. You will find video versions of all notes for Pre-Algebra and Algebra 1 here. You can also find links to individual chapter/unit playlists on my Resources page.

These videos will be included in Canvas assignments for absent students. Geometry students and 6th Grade Math students will have to catch up the old-fashioned way when absent (by getting the notes from a classmate).

This YouTube channel could be a GREAT at home resource for ALL subjects! There are videos here describing...well, just about everything! Need some help on solving some problems or just a refresher? Poke around and you'll find what you need here!