
 Dermady APC, DeFazio DL, Hensley EM, Ruiz DL, Chavez AD, Iannone SA, Dermady NM, Grandel LV, Hill AS.

Dev Biol, 508:38-45 (2024)

Prior to Holy Cross:

Hill A.S., Ben-Shahar Y. The synaptic action of Degenerin/Epithelial sodium channels. Channels (2018) 

Hill A.S.*, Zheng X.*, Li X., McKinney R., Dickman D., Ben-Shahar Y. The Drosophila postsynaptic DEG/ENaC channel ppk29 contributes to excitatory neurotransmission. J Neurosci, 37(12):3171-80 (2017)          *equal contribution

Hill A.S., Sahay A., Hen R. Increased adult hippocampal neurogenesis is sufficient to reduce anxiety and depression-like behaviors. Neuropsychopharmacology 40(10): 2368-78 (2015)

Chong, A.C., Vogt M.C., Hill A.S., Bruning J.C., Zeltser L.M. Central insulin modulates hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis responsiveness. Mol Metab,4(2):83-92 (2014) 

Ikrar T., Guo N., He K., Besnard A., Levinson S., Hill A.S., Lee H.-K., Hen R., Xu X., Sahay A. Adult neurogenesis modifies excitability of the dentate gyrus. Front. Neural Circuits,7:204 (2013) 

Sahay A., Scobie K.N., Hill A.S., O’Carroll C.M., Kheirbek M.A., Burghardt N.S., Fenton, A.A., Dranovsky A., Hen R. Increasing adult hippocampal neurogenesis is sufficient to improve pattern separation. Nature,472:7344, 46-70 (2011)

Hill A.S., Nishino A., Nakajo K., Zhang G., Fineman J.R., Selzer M.E., Okamura Y., Cooper E.C. Ion channel clustering at the axon initial segment and Node of Ranvier evolved sequentially in early chordates. PLoS Genet, 4:e1000317 (2008)