Deaf and Hard of Hearing

General Tips for DHH accommodations in the classroom

  • Reduce background noise

When presenting via video (Google meet, Zoom, etc.) have all attendees/students mute themselves unless they are talking. If possible, the teacher should use headphones/headset so that his or her voice is picked up more clearly than the background noise.

  • Call on students by name and repeat student responses

When presenting via video (Google meet, Zoom, etc.) call on students by name. Only the student who is talking should be un-muted. The teacher should repeat student responses, especially when the student speaks quickly or quietly. Take time to set ground rules for listening and speaking expectations, and hold students to high standards.

  • When speaking, face the student who is deaf/hard of hearing

When teachers are presenting to the class via video, they should face the camera, and be well-lit from the front so that their faces are clearly visible. Avoid distracting backgrounds when possible. Hold the same expectations for students -- when talking, they should enable their camera so that their face is clearly visible.

  • Enable closed captioning on media

Enable captioning for recorded videos, and live meetings. Some live platforms such as Google Meet and Google Slides have auto-generated captions, which the student can enable.


If you have any specific questions, please contact:

Shannon Britnall |