Behavior Plan

*Please note that, based on the needs of students, this behavior plan may change. I will keep you informed if this is the case. It is hard for me to know what will work best to motivate a class until I get to know them.

Our Class Promises

This means we will listen when others, including the teacher, are speaking. We will use kind words and be respectful.

This means we will keep our area neat, and use materials in the way that they are intended to be used.

This means we will listen to and follow directions the first time.

This means we will stay focused and use our best spelling, handwriting, and skills while working. We will complete the work we are asked.

Proactive, Positive, and Responsive

I strive to create a happy, healthy learning environment where students feel comfortable and confident. We all play a role in this. My role is to be encouraging, helpful, and consistent. While I don't send a behavior indicator every day, I like to be open and honest about any problems so that we can work together to solve them. Your child's role is to keep our class promises. As parents, your role is to support your child by reinforcing expectations at home. This kind of support makes a WORLD of difference! Consequences are responsive and aim to help your child understand the importance of keeping our promises as well as encourage the correct behavior next time.

Behavior Reflection Slip

Sometimes we need to "stop and think". Your child may bring this slip home if they have made a choice that breaks our classroom promises. The purpose of this slip is to help your child understand their choice and consequence, communicate with you as a parent, and help them understand how and why they need to make a better choice the next day.

Shout Out!

If your child is going above and beyond to keep our class promises, they may bring home a positive note!