Washington Center Speech Program

Meet our Speech-Language Pathologists

Carrie Cruce M.S. CCC-SLP Melissa Clark M.S.P. CCC-SLP

ccruce@greenville.k12.sc.us meclark@greenville.k12.sc.us

Office Phone: 864-355-0269 Office Phone: 864-355-0268

Allison Walkenhorst CCC-SLP


Office Phone:

2022-23 School Year Theme


At Washington Center, we strive to make learning and communication using functional CORE VOCABULARY accessible and fun! Our Core Vocabulary program is designed to do just that. We feature our friend Bebo, our colorful pink bird puppet friend. This year we are continuing our focus on ENGAGEMENT and PLAY! Therapists, teachers and staff are modeling and facilitating use of the learned vocabulary symbols throughout daily activities to give students lots of opportunities to build understanding and use of new vocabulary in a way that meets each student's individual needs.

This year we are launching BEBO'S BUDDIES!!!

Each week we will have a 2 SECRET SPOTTERS looking for students demonstrating communication behaviors. Each student may communicate in very different ways, but it's all meaningful and important! One student may communicate by looking at someone to get attention, another student might way and vocalize and yet another might use a communication board or device. If a student is spotted engaging and communicating they get a BEBO'S BUDDIES sticker and a chance to get their name drawn on Friday to pick out a prize from BEBO's PRIZE BOX!

Core Communication Board

Individual symbol cards can be printed by right clicking on the symbol pages below, saving to your device and printing. Cut symbols out after printing to using symbols individually or to present one or two at a time that relate to a current activity. (ex. presenting "eat, "more" and "done" during snack time).

Core Vocabulary Questions 3x3
Core Vocabulary Feelings 3x3

Scroll down for helpful links below , "Learn from Home" activities, videos modeling core word use, and video links of book readings using functional core words that reinforce language and vocabulary development!

Bebo's End of the Year Dance Party!


Bebo likes MORE snack mix!


Bebo EATs Popcorn!

Bebo EATs popcorn.mp4

Bebo is DONE with Chores!

Bebo DONE with chores.mp4

Bebo Makes Cars GO!

Bebo makes cars GO.mp4

Bingo Boards for at Home Speech Activities

English Spanish

Speech Core Vocabulary Bingo.docx
Spanish Speech Core Vocabulary Bingo.docx

Activities for the Core Word MORE (English and Spanish)

Activities for Core Word MORE.docx
Spanish Activities for Core Word MORE.docx

Activities for the Core Word STOP (English and Spanish)

Activities for Core Word STOP.docx
Spanish Activities for Core Word STOP

Activities for the Core Word PLAY

Website activities PLAY April 6th

Activities for the Core Word DONE

Website activities March 30th

Activities for the Core word GO

Activities for Core word GO

The basic communication board above can used for communication at home. Right click on the image to save it and print.

Modeling Use of Communication Supports for Your Student

Your student benefits from seeing others use communication supports during natural interactions. You can model use of communication supports by choosing a few of the key words from what you are saying verbally and point to those symbols as you speak. Example: “It is time for lunch. It is time for you to eat.” Point to the symbol of “eat” or point to “you” and “eat”.

Please see the links below for video samples of modeling use of communication supports.

Communication Technology Education Center video https://youtu.be/VppaSuAF0f4

Project CORE video youtube.com/watch?v=AHz5ueZCc1Q&feature=youtu.be

Links for songs related to core vocabulary:


Core Vocabulary Book Reading Videos and Comprehension questions with symbols

Choice making e-learning