Letter to Parents

Dear Parent/Guardian,

¡Hola! I am so excited about teaching your child in my Spanish class this year! I studied Spanish and Secondary Education at Furman University and received my Master's degree in Spanish from Middlebury College. I love to travel and have had the amazing opportunity to study in Spain and Argentina, volunteer in El Salvador and Nicaragua, and travel to Chile, Peru, and Uruguay. I fell in love with Spanish as a high school student when I realized the beauty and value of being able to communicate with those of another culture. This is my twelfth year teaching at J.L. Mann, and I love sharing my passion for Spanish with students! 

While learning Spanish is beneficial for pursuing future academic goals, it is also extremely relevant and practical in today's world. By studying Spanish, students not only learn to communicate with native speakers locally and around the globe, but they also expand their career options as many companies now seek bilingual or multilingual employees to accommodate an increasingly more diverse population. Overall, language learning allows students of all ages to embrace and celebrate diversity as well as expand their knowledge of the world around them, which, in turn, makes the world a more harmonious and unified place. 

In my class, students will develop their communicative skills in Spanish through listening, speaking, reading, and writing. They will also make connections and comparisons with their own language and culture, explore the exciting and rich cultures of the Spanish-speaking world, and learn more about the Spanish-speaking community both locally and abroad.

On my website, you will find the course syllabus that will further explain my grading policy, classroom rules, materials, procedures and more information about the curriculum. Please review the syllabus with your child before the end of the first week of school.

I expect this course to be an enriching experience for your child, and I am looking forward to this year! Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments.

Warm regards,

Lara Vincoli, M.A.

Spanish Teacher 

Spanish Club Sponsor



Top photo: Parque Nacional Torres del Paine, Chile